Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

For animal lovers, which pet do you fancy being with even at work?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29388points) August 18th, 2011

I once saw a guy in a suit and with a briefcase walk in an office building with a beautiful parrot perched on his shoulder. I also read news years ago that a certain US company somewhere allowed workers to bring their pets to work every Friday.

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25 Answers

Paul's avatar

My lovely Border Collie dog, they are mans best friend after all.

mazingerz88's avatar

@Paul Border Collies are great!

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

My cats are always nearby when I am painting and the dog usually hangs out with me when I throw.

redfeather's avatar

I once worked at a camp in the barn. I didn’t mind waking up at 6 to be there by 7 and bring 20 horses into the barn to be groomed. I loved being there with them it’s sweet how they get so excited to see you and come running like huge dogs.

woodcutter's avatar

Once in a blue moon I will bring my dog to work with me. If the house I’m doing work in has not had the carpet installed yet and it’s not a presold unit. And if it isn’t muddy outside the house. There are many conditions that have to be met or it’s a no go. She’s really good all day following me around the house, same as she does at home.

picante's avatar

I worked from a home office for several years, and I felt very fortunate that my beloved dog could spend most days lazing by my side. The cats were more infrequent visitors, preferring their own company, perhaps. I did lose a monitor one time to an accumulation of cat fir from my sweetie sleeping on it for months on end. The company of animals is one of life’s great pleasures, IMHO.

El_Cadejo's avatar

I work in a pet store. I get to hang out with animals every day at work :P

Cruiser's avatar

I would love to have my dog here with me and I did have her for a day a few weeks back and that was fun to show her off to people through skype! Did have a nice salt water tank of fish here for a few years until a power failure over a 3 day weekend did them in.

ucme's avatar

My dawg, she follows me everywhere anyway, shoulda called her shadow.

Paul's avatar

@ucme as a matter of interest, what did you call her?

JessicaRTBH's avatar

I work at home kinda (I’m an estate manager) and I am always near my cats. It’s wonderful :D Mr. Mordecai and Elway keep me company

ucme's avatar

@Paul I’m so glad you asked, her name is Aguero…....Penny.

King_Pariah's avatar

My brother’s Queensland Heeler (possible mix). She’s a doll to people… but she’ll kill everyone else’s pets…

OpryLeigh's avatar

If I could be with dogs all day every day then I would be a happy woman.

sophiesword's avatar

Definitely not my dog, he wold get me fired!!
I think I would bring one of my rabbits, but I don’t know which one.
Relic is too boring and Varro poos a lot…. and I mean a lot:)

Ayesha's avatar

I would want to bring both of my baby cats. But Sammy is very shy, so i’d go with my cupcake Sam!

sophiesword's avatar

@Ayesha excuse me your cats are not babies they are huge and fat:)

Ayesha's avatar

@sophiesword Nooo!! They’re babies!!

sophiesword's avatar

fine fine they’re babies!!

Mariah's avatar

Aw man, I’d love it if I got to bring my kitty to work with me (time to break out the cuddly kitty avatar).

I know that the people who worked at my college’s counseling were allowed to bring animals there. There was usually a dog there, and it was really nice because I missed the company of animals while I was at college.

downtide's avatar

I’d love to be able to bring my dog but if everyone brought their dogs I’m sure there would be fur flying.

athenasgriffin's avatar

My dog. It would be heaven.

DrBill's avatar

I own the business, and Max goes with me everyday.

(black Lab)

RareDenver's avatar

Well I’ve only got a cat and he pretty much looks after himself unless he gets hungry then he’s all winding round your legs so you can’t walk without tripping over so that might get annoying on your way to the photocopier

ddude1116's avatar

I tried to arrange so that I could take my cat places once, but he actually gets really frightened outside of the house. One time he managed to fall out of the first floor windows a two-foot drop and literally shit himself with fear. That would just be embarrassing to have happen anywhere but my backyard..

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