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serenityNOW's avatar

How can I organize all my books on my new Nook?

Asked by serenityNOW (3643points) August 18th, 2011

I just got a new Nook. I’m looking to organize all my books/epubs on the device. I can do it on the device, but it’s clunky and very non-user friendly. I downloaded the Mac version of Nook software, but it only allows me to categorize what I’ve bought from B&N. I have about 100 books that I’d like to put on shelves and categorize. Is there anything – software – that can help? I have Mac & PC. Thanks, jellies!

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1 Answer

JilltheTooth's avatar

I don’t know anything about software that might help, but I discovered (just last night!) a slightly easier way to do that. On my Nook (which may not be the same, mine is the one with e-ink and a color touch pad at the bottom) I found that after I put the first one on the shelf, the display switched to an alphabetical by author listing. On the touchpad because I’m already in the shelving section, it’s much easier then to just up and down the list for appropriate shelving options. Does that help?

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