Does anyone else's nose move when they talk?
When I talk, the tip of my nose moves up and down and I HATE it.
Why does it do this, and does anyone else’s nose move when they talk?
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29 Answers
I am talking to myself right now and have my index finger on the tip of my nose. There is no movement, not even a quiver or twitch.
That’s the only case study I have at hand; I will pay attention to the world at large tomorrow, however, and report back.
Do you have a slightly pointed nose? I’ve noticed this with some (not all) people who have a pointed nose—and I think it is soooooooo cute!
@gailcalled I don’t think you’d feel it. It’s ever so slight. Try looking in the mirror instead.
I do have a SLIGHTLY pointed nose. VERY VERY slightly though. :L
Yes. To look at it, I can’t see it. But, when I put my finger on the tip of my nose, I can feel it.
@NostalgicChills Not crazy pointed. Just slightly pointed will do.
Don’t hate it—I love it!
My nostrils flare when I talk and it pisses me off.
Like Gail, I’ll report back tomorrow. :)
@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard Haven’t seen a video of it, but I’m sure that is super cute too.
Why do people dislike such cute things about themselves? Silly!
@NostalgicChills lol I guess it bothers me because my dad’s nostrils do the same thing, and I always thought it made him look angry.
@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard As expected, so very cute.
Plus your reading aloud makes me wish we had a designated Jelly nap time in the middle of the day. But, you know, not really sleeping. We’d just lay down with our eyes closed and listening to you read.
There is connective tissue between the upper lip and the nares (nostrils). Unless you speak like a ventriloquist, parts of your face, including your nose will and should move when you speak.
If you find your anus moves when you talk, then you may start to worry, otherwise relax and stop looking at yourself in the mirror so much!
@Nimis awww thank you. Now I’m all blushy and stuff.
Not mine.
… another vote for it being cute.
I lipread, so I notice noses, teeth, lips, and types of movements. There are people I mercilessly make fun of (in private of course) and @Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard, you wouldn’t be one of them! :D
Some noses do move and usually if that happens ( not always) it’s because the speaker constricts their upper lip muscles downward to make sounds. Fiddle’s nostrils flare because he is using his cheek and upper lip muscles to make his sounds. Some people talk more with their bottom lip, or neither.
Too much technical information that I kill the mood? If it’s any consolation, I think Fiddle’s adorable too!
@linguaphile woah, my cheek and upper lip?
I never noticed that, but it’s true… I feel like the whole universe has been opened up to me now…
Yeah you curl up your upper lip to make your sounds, but pull with your cheeks. Everyone moves their mouth different. Just I notice it—and imitate it for sheets and giggles! Too bad there’s no money in a comedy routine for that! hahaha!
Fiddle, try holding your cheeks down with your fingers and talking. I’m guessing your nose will stop ‘flaring’
@linguaphile by god, you are right! Did you learn this sort of thing as a result of your studies of linguistics, or what?
Not really, no. Not that I can tell, anyhow. Maybe I’ll make a video of myself speaking, so that I can see for sure. All of this discussion about the nuances in the way people move their mouths makes me curious.
Nah, but the wife & every female member of the family have taken to twitching their noses like a rabbit when I look at them. I find it both funny & irritating in equal measure. I guess i’m feeding their habit then.
My nose doesn’t move if speak with a neutral oral expression (º_º), or with a slight frown.
It does move if I speak with an intermittent smile.
I don’t think it’s at all weird for someone’s nose to move when they talk. @linguaphile explained it pretty perfectly – it’s all about the shape of your face and which muscles are used when you’re moving your mouth.
I’ll also add that unless you’re speaking to a lipreader or someone who’s actually looking for a moving nose, people won’t generally notice.
Thats probably why I notice it so much, because I am a lipreader. XD
Thanks guys!
Maybe it because of the length or distant to your lips. so many people have this
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