Boring question #65: In the home, which one rules, carpet, or hardwood floors with or without rugs and runners?
Fluffy enough, if you have a home would you want hardwood floors or carpet, and please include why you chose the way you did?
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24 Answers
Hardwood floors. ftw
I lived with a nasty carpet that couldn’t be replaced for many years. Now that we have wood floors I’ll never go back to carpet. Wood floors are very easy to clean, especially if you have pets that shed. You can always through a rug down if you want something soft under your feet.
In my house, I have the whole medieval gothic thing going on, so hardwood floors with elaborate runners are a must.
Carpet. Wood floors are so last year.
I would kill for wood floors. I’m in the same boat as jonsblond was, I am stuck with horrid carpet that I can’t replace at the moment… and hard wood sounds like a dream come true at this point.
It doesn’t have to be wood, but it has to be hard. I hate carpet. I never liked the way it felt, and it’s such a pain to clean. I will not buy a house or rent an apartment that has carpet.
I want a combination of aged reclaimed barnwood floors and highly polished fancy wood.
I really like area rugs, too. I really want an Afghan war rug.
I’d find a place for my favorite rug I have now, which you can kind of see in this picture.
@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard Wouldn’t be because you are a big fan of the Avtomat Kalashnikova 47 would it? You can just have YARNLADY make you a killer one. LOL
I have wood floors in my home with a few rugs.I thnk it is prettier than carpet.
I vote for polished wood floors, or the vinyl boards that look like wood. I will always have dogs and it is so much easier to keep clean. Plus I like the way it looks. In the tropics we have no rugs but when we lived in colder climes, I did like area rugs, at least until shedding season begins, hehehe!
Wood is good, I like my feet to squeak when I suddenly change direction, like those table tennis dudes you see in the olympics…....oops, I seem to have gotten a little sidetracked.
Hardwood all the way. Carpets no matter how much you vacuum them still retain dirt, stains and odor. Plus sliding around in your sock is so much fun.
Hard wood floors. I think they look better and are easier to clean after kids and pets. Plus in the long run they are cheaper.
The connection has been well-made above: dogs that shed = hardwood floors!
I have hardwood floors throughout the downstairs (vinyl in the kitchen at the moment) and softwood (pine) floors upstairs.
We have had both. Carpet keeps your house warmer in the winter, but is a magnet in collecting animal hair. We have detroyed three vacuum cleaners, while attempting to clean pet hair off our carpets.
Our house has beautiful hardwood floors. We decided to let the kitchen have the hardwood floors on a trial basis. We love them. The are easier to clean,
Another vote for hardwood floors. A relative’s house has them throughout, and they’ve collected antique Persian rugs over the years. There is even one on their kitchen floor. The look is stunning.
As a crazy cat lady, I’m also down with wood or tile. I have a few rugs here and there, but the ease of cleaning a hard floor (pet hair and barf) wins out. Of course, when the cats are going to throw up, they tend to make a beeline for the rugs, but at least they’re easily replaceable if they get too gross.
Just remodeled and put in hard floors EVERYWHERE! The bathrooms have porcelain tile and the rest of the house is hard wood.(Bamboo.)
It is more maintenance, but really, the reason it is more maintenance is because all that dust just stays trapped in the carpet. When your hard floor is clean it really IS clean. When your carpet is vacuumed, well…. it’s still pretty gross.
Wood! Wood! I have wood, err, I mean I want wooden floors!!!
I just visited my cousin and her family over the past weekend. When they built their house 30+ years ago they couldn’t afford the extra $1,000 that it would have cost them to put in hardwood floors, and they certainly had no money for carpeting. But they did have a lot of wood on the property, so…
They cut down some of the larger pine trees that they had, milled the lumber themselves (it was farm property, and they had the machinery) and put in softwood floors. Since then they’ve had a succession of growing boys, dogs and cats of all size and disposition (including the present dog, who’s half my weight) and a lot of scratches, grooves, chips and nicks in the floor.
Total country charm. I wish I had softwood floors now.
Hardwood floors, persian carpets. Lovely!
Wood floors or tile floors with rugs. The only downside to having beautiful rugs has been also having pets. I love the clean idea of hard floors, easier to see when they need to be clean, less smell from being lived on.
I don’t have either – I have tile and terrazzo floors – but I love wood floors. I really wish we had them. I like nice carpeting, but I don’t think it would be very ideal for the pets I have.
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