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mazingerz88's avatar

When would Apple come up with a new computer design?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29388points) August 19th, 2011

Their latest aluminum body design for laptops and desktop computers is at least 2 to 3 years old if I’m not mistaken. So would you have any idea on when a new design might come out? Thanks!

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9 Answers

XOIIO's avatar

I doubt it that’s their look, and what makes them so different They’ll focus on the tech more.

ragingloli's avatar

probably when they feel they can’t milk their customer victims any more with the old stuff

creative1's avatar

If you don’t like the look there are all sorts of covers you can snap on them very easily. I prefer the standard it look very sleek but everyone has their own opinon. Mine is a 17” Macbook Pro which makes it more difficult to find the cover to fit it in the store but they even make covers for them, you can just order them simply online.

Actually if you look at the other designs of computers these days they are trying to copy Apple, I have even seen laptops where they have their logos in the center like Apple has theirs.

everephebe's avatar

When they find a lighter (weight) and more durable material that is still sexy and cost effective.

jaytkay's avatar

The best site for info on upcoming Macs is MacRumors. Specifically their Buyers Guide

XOIIO's avatar

@creative1 That’s not trying to copy apple, when things are centered it just looks better.

creative1's avatar

@XOIIO they never put a lit up logo there before apple came up with it

XOIIO's avatar

@creative1 Not true, some older laptops I’ve seen do have it lit up, not in the center, but lit up.

creative1's avatar

Hence what I said they came up with the lit up logo in the center and the others moved theirs to the center after seeing the advertisements out there for apple. Its only natural that the competition would want to take advantage of apple’s advertising. The difference is the competition doesn’t compare.

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