Meta Question

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

It's Friday (for most of Fluther)! What frothy beverage are you bringing to share? Or what live entertainment are you willing to do for us?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37847points) August 19th, 2011

It’s time to frolic and make friends on Fluther.

What are you contributing? It has to be original. You have to make your own beverage. You can use store-bought ingredients. I’ll be bringing the orange juice and pineapple juice mixture. Yum.

And how are you going to entertain us? I’ll be dancing and teaching some hula.

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21 Answers

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I will bring some wheat beers and I will play you some bad music on my harmonica.:)

erichw1504's avatar

I will bring some rum and coke and I’ll bring my juggling balls to show everybody my amazing juggling skills.

Blueroses's avatar

I was just noticing the Friday mood today. Thank God everyone took off their bitchy-pants!

I’ll bring a keg of Red Ale and perform a drunken monologue from Hamlet.

Oh, good lord @erichw1504 I read too fast and saw “rum and cock” which made juggling balls that much funnier.

wundayatta's avatar

Campari and tonic.

I’ll bring my band and we’ll do a jam. It’s mostly like free jazz meeting world music. You can dance to it.

Cruiser's avatar

I will play my guitar and serve up fresh picked blackberry smoothies!

rebbel's avatar

I’ll bring some jugs of cow milk.
And pitas with cheese. Loads of them.
Ah, and for entertainment I will do a webcam-streamed-striptease!

Kardamom's avatar

Actually I invented a drink called Hula Brew. It’s simply half beer (I initially used O’Doul’s a non-alcoholic beer) and half pineapple juice. I’ve subsequently tried beer with orange juice, and grapefruit juice, which is marvelous. I think there is a real British drink called a Shandy, which is beer and lemonade, which is also pretty tasty.

Note: I used a regular light colored beer. I think it would be too sweet and dense if you used a dark beer, but who knows? Hula Brew looks best served in one of those tall slim glasses with an umbrella and a skewer with a fresh piece of pineapple and a marachino cherry.

Your_Majesty's avatar

I’ll come at night and bring fruit-champagne. I may perform strip-tease dance if necessary. And of course, I’ll bring along my beauty to be admired, admiration is also another kind of entertainment.

sakura's avatar

CDrinking Magners Cider…first alchoholic drink for 3 weeks!!! As for entertainment I can’t bring any, but I am watching Wigan Rugby League club winning an immense rugby match on sky sports with hubby and dad ;) try watching it too if u are in the uk!!! Pure entertainment!!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

For those who don’t like frothy I’ll whip up some homemade kahlua and we can have white russians. I have no talent so I’ll entertain you with boredom.

ucme's avatar

A pitcher of gnat’s milk & I will entertain by way of knitting a strapless evening gown made entirely from spaghetti. “It goes pasta de shoulders, mamma mia!” XD

Kardamom's avatar

Maybe me and @Adirondackwannabe can entertain you with a cheesemaking demonstration. Although we’re both going to have to quickly learn how to actually make cheese!

Hibernate's avatar

Stewed fruits made out of a fruit that has no name in English. Mixed with ice. It’s really sour but I like it very much. [since I enjoy eating lemons without sugar this beverage suits me though I haven’t found someone else who enjoys this as much as me AND being able to drink more than a small cup].

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

RUM!!! And maybe a little table dancing after the rum… we’ll see.

Blueroses's avatar

boob Wednesday moves aside for bom-chicka-waa-wah Friday

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Hey, you just never know what might happen when my sister-in-law and I get together. <evil giggle>

_zen_'s avatar

Saturday morning here – turkish coffee, one brown sugar.

zenvelo's avatar

I am having a mexican coca cola….

Kardamom's avatar

@Blueroses Isn’t bom chicka waa wah a Native American Tribe? : – P

Joker94's avatar

I’ll bring Cherikee Red! Come to my booth for an evening of improv, movie monologues, and singing. Guitarist needed.

Berserker's avatar

Hey I made this beverage years ago back on mah GameFAQ’s days.

Duergar’s Ale. It’s black as a thousand midnights, it’s thick like an army of tree swinging trolls, and it’s served in your enemy’s skull. (ripped that last bit from Norse myth, and the rest from D&D)

It doesn’t leak out of the holes, because it’s that badass.

Fuck drow elves. Fuck em.

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