What is the biggest secret you ever uncovered? What secret of yours has been discovered?
They say you always get found out. Have you found out something someone else was trying to keep secret? What did you find out? How did you find out? How long had they held the secret before you found out?
Has anyone ever discovered a secret you had been trying to keep? How long had you kept it? How did they find out?
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19 Answers
When I was about 11 years old I discovered that my mum was cheating on my dad. Years later a someone discovered a similar thing about me (I was cheating on someone). Bad times.
I discovered who stole the cookie from the cookie jar.
It was me.
nevermind. read erich’s post wrong.
When I was at school, I walked into the PE teachers room. It was located right next to the changing rooms/showers. Anyway, this teacher was sat on the floor “pulling his meat!!!” He had a dirty old porno mag placed between his knees, I ran out pissing myself laughing.
As for myself, I have no secrets, for I am an open book & shall remain so forever & a day.
No one ever tell me that my grandma actually had divorced once, and she’s with her second husband now. I believe my family did this because they tried to save my grandma’s reputation, since a divorced woman is considered as ‘less valuable’ in past times. I found out about this myself while I accidentally discovered her past marriage-photos.
And I was also trying to keep my beauty a secret but since everyone tend to notice my beauty I’ll just let to happen that way. I am beautiful and that isn’t a secret anymore.
My grandfathers first marriage, and the lie of my grandparents marriage.
Genealogy strikes again!
The woman at work who had the office next to mine started having a guy from another dept. show up at her office every day after 5pm, and they’d close the door and be in there for a long time. (Both are married, and the woman’s husband works for our company as well. Both couples have a child.)
The internal antenna went up. When it was announced that she was going to transfer and work for him in a newly created job, it made sense. Then seeing their body language during meetings, the antenna went back up. When the woman’s replacement started, the new co-worker mentioned seeing her at a local coffee shop every morning with whom she assumed was her husband. Since her husband travels just about every week, a mental alarm went off. Upon asking her to describe the guy, it indeed was her new boss. Several months later, both couples got a divorce, the boss/lover was fired, and the new couple got married.
I kept mum until the facts came out, and then it was only to talk about it with another co-worker who mentioned that the woman had another extra-marital affair with another co-worker years earlier. I confessed to him that the guy had once given me a booty call when he was engaged to Wife #1 and attending a training class I taught. They are either doomed or meant for each other. Welcome to office drama.
The only secret that I’ve wanted to keep that was discovered was when I cheated on a history test in 6th grade (11–12 years old). The teacher knew it either by my answers or body language. Fortunately, she had the diplomacy to discuss it in private. In a way, it was a life lesson. Thank you Mrs. Johnson.
I got a secret I do hope I am able to take to my grave. I am not a secret discoverer kind of guy. I don’t e-mails or eaves drop. Secrete are meant to be secrets and what I don’t know won’t hurt me…as much.
That one of my favorite cousins was adopted. It explained why she was a black sheep of sorts… on the bright side I can fantasize about her now. lol jk
And the less people know about my secrets, the better. :P
Biggest I discovered:
The truth behind my parents’ divorce. Unlike the story I’d been given about what a horrible person he was who ruined my mother’s life by seducing her into marriage and then leaving her stuck with a baby, turns out she was caught cheating on him.
Biggest about me:
When co workers discovered my now fiancee and I were not only seeing each other but had been for over a year and we lived together with my mother (who also works where we do/did) too.
Biggest secret I found was that I don’t represent nothing for a lot of my family. Was hard to talk with them about this yet .. [never mind].
Biggest secret others uncovered about me was when some friends found out I like to smoke pot once in a while. Even though I talked to them about it nobody believed it.
I’ve always tried to find better things to do with my time than digging up dirt on people.
@CaptainHarley Finding secrets does not require looking for them. Many times we stumble on them, and wish we hadn’t. Like turning a corner around a church in a beautiful place and discovering two people making the double-backed beast. Secrets are not necessarily secrets because someone tried to hide them. Then can be secrets because someone never exhibited them.
I found out my boss had a prescription drug addiction. I was 16 and working as a legal secretary, and my boss increasingly had me canceling his cases and appointments for him. Eventually, he was hardly coming in to the office at all.
He used to dictate all his correspondence to me and I would send out his letters for him. One day, I found a letter he had written himself, hidden in his desk. He was asking a doctor to prescribe him a specific painkiller, explaining that it had worked well before. Everything kind of clicked into place and I figured out what was going on.
A few months later, the truth came out.
I found out that my mom had been married prior to being married to my dad. I was in sixth grade and poking around in the attic, looking at my baby book. In the process, I came across the baby books of my two oldest sisters and wondered why they had a different last name than mine. When I asked my mom about it, she wouldn’t look at me and just said, “Because I was married before.” The expression on her face was both “why don’t you know this?” and “this makes me sad/uncomfortable to talk about.” Because it had been so far in the past, it wasn’t talked about by the time I came along. Not because it was taboo, but simply because everyone assumed I knew this bit of past family lore. I was surprised, but it explained who it was that my oldest sister would go to visit when she & her family came to town. She would always go see her paternal grandmother, but I never thought to ask who she was! One of the things that seems to go with being the youngest in the family is that you miss out on some of the old things. Even after learning this though, I never thought of my two oldest sisters as “step-sisters.”
The other secret I learned was that my mom had been raped at age 18 by a doctor for whom she worked. The baby was raised by her parents as their own son. I never knew him because she said that he ran away from home when he was 18 or 19. I’m pretty sure that’s not completely true, but have never asked anyone about it. I learned about it in a discussion with my dad. We were talking about my oldest sister who was angry that she didn’t know about this brother. This (along with a couple of other things) eventually caused a rift between my mom and my sister that never healed.
A secret about me? I don’t think that there are any. If I think of one, I’ll come back. :)
When Fluther was bought by Twitter, Ben told me that wh {Redacted)
someone on fluther discovered my alternative fluther identity that I use to ask questions I really don’t want anyone to know I asked. I accidentally talked in the comment thread under this identity. I figured it out in time to edit, but not before I was busted by another jelly.
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