Social Question

ucme's avatar

If you've ever suffered an accident/mishap whilst eating/drinking, could you deliver a few details?

Asked by ucme (50052points) August 19th, 2011

This can be something trivial like a badly timed sneeze into a bowl of Sugar Puffs at breakfast. Or maybe a more serious incident possibly involving choking or burning. Please feel free to use humour if you wish. Thanks in advance & away you go…..only if you want to mind!

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14 Answers

Seelix's avatar

Once when I was about four or so, my mom and I were having lunch in a restaurant. I was drinking hot chocolate and eating chicken fingers and fries. I accidentally coughed while my mouth was full of hot chocolate, and I couldn’t hold it in – I spat it all over my plate. I was so sad. The waitress was a kind mommy-type so she brought me a new plate :)

Paul's avatar

I was in Frankie & Bennies with some friends having pizza. I fancied some pepper on it but it would’t come out. I unscrewed the cap and went to gently put some on the pizza. I failed at this and all the pepper went on my pizza. Regardless to say I was poor and hungry so I ate the pepper covered pizza. I have a picture somewhere. My friends were all watching this unfold so I went bright red. One of them said they were so red I looked like a pig. They noticed I’d spilt pepper on my food and for a year they all called me Peppa Pig and snorted. Fuck my life.

ucme's avatar

@Paul Peppa Pig is fucking trippy man, my kids used to watch that shite!

Hibernate's avatar

I sometimes choke with dried bread. I let it out to dry and eat it like that. Dunno but I like it more that way. Sometimes I inhale while I eat and some crums go the other way. Most of the times I smile after but sometimes it really painful.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I cranked a drink straw up my nose while out with a friend.When I set my drink down the straw remained in my nostril.Lovely!:)

Coloma's avatar

I choked on a tomato wedge in a restaurant once, it was scary
! I made a huge scene coughing and gagging and trying to not make a scene. lol

ucme's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille That must have looked absolutely charming!

Cruiser's avatar

The only one I can think of is convoluted…I was working as a life guard and another guard pulled a man off the bottom of the pool and was unresponsive so it was up to me to begin mouth to mouth the old fashioned way….no dental dams back then. First puff and the man’s entire dinner erupted up into my face. I couldn’t stop and the second puff yielded the same result. OMG I can still taste it in my mouth 30 years later. He fortunately lived or I would have been pretty pissed at him for what I had to do there.

Coloma's avatar


Alright! THAT sinks my little ship in a big way.
Dude! You’re my ice berg over here, aaaagh!

Bellatrix's avatar

I was out with a friend and my husband and we were all chatting and laughing and having a ball and I swallowed a piece of meat and it became lodged in my throat. I was choking and they just kept on laughing and talking while I went blue and bashed myself to try to dislodge it. Which thankfully I did and I am still here to tell the tale. Then I thanked them for saving my life!!! NOT!

It wasn’t me but this kid snotted right in my rice pudding during school dinner at junior school. That was just gross.

woodcutter's avatar

Back before my wive and I were married she had a bad habit of butting her cig butts in beer cans….yeah.

wundayatta's avatar

I was eating some cherries from a bowl on the table when I dropped one, so I leaned down to pick it up, but I misjudged the distance and I hit my head really hard on the table. I started falling backwards and I grabbed at the table to try to hold myself up, but instead the table tipped and all these vases and wine glasses and what-not started sliding down towards me.

I let go of the table and fell backwards while the table righted itself, only everything on it fell over and some of it started rolling towards the edge. However, things were not so find and dandy for me, because there was a glass-doored cabinet behind me, where we kept a lot of crystal and when I fell back, my head banged the glass so hard it broke, cutting me on the neck and also knocking stuff all around in the cabinet.

Soon enough, crystal was crashing all around me. So they tell me. I was not longer in condition to pay attention to what was going on. I was screaming bloody murder. My brother tried to come help me, but he tripped on the broken glass and fell right on top of me. He put out his hands to catch himself and he got a lot of cuts in his palms for his troubles.

They had to call an ambulance because there was so much blood all over the place no one knew exactly what was happening. My brother was yelling, too, so no one could really understand much. Of course, when we got to the emergency room, triage decided we weren’t all that important. I think it took nearly seven hours to get out of there, with the glass removed from our skin and cuts sutured and bandaged.

Everyone kept telling the story to everyone else, and of course the inevitable comparison was to a bull in a china closet. So, naturally, my nickname became “Bull.” I hated it. “Bull is full of bull,” they liked to say. No one took me seriously.

All for the love of a cherry.

Earthgirl's avatar

wundayatta Is that cherry story for real or is it just a lot of bull?

wundayatta's avatar

@Earthgirl They don’t call me “Bull” for nuthin.

Then again, they don’t call me “Bull.”

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