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I really can't believe no one has asked this yet today you feel the deal that the West Memphis Three got was a bit backward?
Damien Echols, Jessie Misskelley, and Jason Baldwin were released today under the condition that they take the Alford Plea. So hurray!...right?
Oh, wait, THAT means hey have to say they are guilty to be set free! How absurd! I mean, we all knew they were innocent from the start, plus new evidence has come up time and time again, and the judge has just thrown it out instead of retrying the 3 men, so is this all just a ploy for Judge David Burnett to try and look like a swell guy so he can get a little promotion to the Arkansas Supreme Court? And why would we want judges of his corrupt ilk reigning over Supreme Court decisions in any state?
By the way, I am so happy these 3 boys are out of prison! Hooray for….um…justice…
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