What are the major sources of stress in your life?
Asked by
Tbag (
August 20th, 2011
Life can be stressful at times, what would usually trigger you being stressed? How do you overcome the stress phase?
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25 Answers
Lack of money.
Social anxiety.
My job can be pretty stressfull at times. My solution – a herbal tranquilizer of sorts called Persen. Plus going to the sauna in the evening – that helps you relax after ANYTHING (ok maybe besides sunburn :P). Idk, just have something you look forward to and you will find the motivation to trudge on I guess :-)
My long long process of divorce, which has damn near bankrupted me. And the company I work for is merging, which puts the nice Damocletian sword of layoff over my head.
And I need to lose weight to get into better shape.
I am handling it all best I can by eating well, exercising, and enjoying my kids and my girlfriend.
My head is aching a bit, and I really want to be somewhere else, but I can’t get there.
I am a source of stress in my life.
Right now I’m stressed because I just got laid off from my job and my only means of transportation took a permanent shit on me.
me & my family’s health
School, but not right now, it hasn’t started yet. When I get stressed I try to find time to just slow down and do things I enjoy.
Health (or lack thereof, more appropriately). Transitions.
When things really heat up I meditate or exercise and if I could quit my job I would be golden.
I get stressed out only when people bug me out. When they leave me alone and don’t start to talk about crap I really don’t want to hear [when they start talking; you tell them to stop; they continue even if you asked them nicely to stop] etc etc I’m not that stressed out.
Fear of death. I mean what happens when the end comes? Scary stuff
Right now purchasing a new home and just trying to finish up the mortgage stuff especially when you have to start from scratch because the Condo Assoc couldn’t get approval and now having to start from scratch with a company that will waive the condo docs.
On a daily basis dealing with the stresses of having a child that is always sick and is mentally delayed. Hoping I am making the best decisions for both my children. Trying to find a job near my new home.
I just deal with it all just one thing at a time as it comes up and prioritize it all, it helps to keep the stress lower if I can keep a handle on things and come up with a plan.
My messy apartment. Just when it seems we have it clean again for a bit, it goes to hell.
Family troubles are number one and job troubles are numer two on my list of stress “causers”.
At the moment, my health.
@stardust Even though I’m a complete stranger, I wish you the best and hope everything is going to be Okay.
Peace and love to you all!
Sharing a household where things aren’t organized or run as I’d like. It’s temporary at least.
Living with addiction. The threat of relapse/backsliding still terrifies me, even as I learn I still don’t accept everything counseled me, I’m not nearly as supportive or patient as I want to be.
My credit has been destroyed by co signing for someone who repays badly. I’ve almost a year to go before the yoke is lifted and I can rebuild a little. In the meantime I’m angry I can’t do for my own household what I’d like.
Where I live. There’s no reason for me to remain here any longer since my investment went belly up. The stress is we must wait until my fiancee’s youngest child graduates high school. While here, I cannot do the line of work that makes me a decent living, I can’t contribute as I’m capable of. I hate making crap money. I hate people doubting if “I’ve still got it”.
School stuff gets me stressed out. I’m an officer in too many clubs and have too deal with other people’s drama and sort things out to get anything done. How I honestly calm down? Going for walks, green tea and spending time with my boyfriend.
My friendships. I want to have more friends, but the ones I have are already too much for me. Maybe I just want better friends. :)
My work is stressful in that I have a constantly changing schedule. I don’t mean to whine but… In one work week I work a different shift every day including one evening shift that ends at mid-night and a weekend day. I always get a jet-lag feeling the day after the evening shift that lasts 2 days. Plus I have to work at 4 different work locations. It was been like this for the last 16 years and I have never gotten use to it. It has gotten more difficult. Oh well my motto is “Get Tough or Die”.
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