General Question

talljasperman's avatar

What is the name of this time travel movie?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) August 20th, 2011

It is a time travel movie, in which a group of civilians and a older scientist travel back in time to the prehistoric days and get stranded in the past. I remember a scene in which a fat man takes controls over the ship and blows up another time machine from the past… only to find out later that it was him in the time machine going home after stealing it from the other crew.

It was made around the 60’s. I don’t remember much else. What movie is this?

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4 Answers

asmonet's avatar

My first thought was that you had the past/future mixed up and it was The Time Machine. But I haven’t seen the original in years and I think you would have mentioned the big scary bad guys. And I don’t remember a ‘fat guy’. So I doubt that’s right.

You could try scrolling through this list and see if anything jumps out at you.

talljasperman's avatar

Additional info: The professor was a senor citizen… the time machine that they were in was the size of a small house and looked like a white space ship… The fat white gangster guy takes control of the ship with a handgun when it is attacked by another time machine and communications are not returned it turns out later that he receives the communication when he is in the other ship and screams as he is killed ... maybe the movie was made before 60’s, and it was in color…. they go to pre-history and encounter dinosaurs… The graphics are poor. @asmonet it doesn’t appear on the list you gave me… maybe its a really bad movie. I thought the movie had a date in the title… like 65 million BC or some other past date… it was defiantly pre- Star Trek.

Zaku's avatar

It wasn’t the original Doctor Who (BBC TV show, black and white) was it?

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