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flutherother's avatar

Has anyone read World War Z by Max Brooks?

Asked by flutherother (34968points) August 20th, 2011

What did you think of it. Would you recommend it? Glasgow City Centre is partly cordoned off just now and Brad Pitt is in town filming and I am curious.

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10 Answers

ucme's avatar

I haven’t, but I read about this project. Sounds like it has the makings of a decent film.
I thought it was funny the powers that be have said anyone who wishes to view filming throughout the three week shoot in Glasgow, would more than likely be discouraged from doing so. That’s right ya hollywood bigshots, take over the place why don’t ya?

TexasDude's avatar

If you like Zombie horror, it doesn’t get much more in depth than World War Z.

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

Really good in parts. Not all of the story-lines held my interest, however, I enjoyed it overall very much and would recommend it to people.

I am not reading good things about the movie translation on the interwebs.

flutherother's avatar

@ucme There were plenty of people in Glasgow today trying to see what was going on but as they had erected tall black screens all around the area where they were filming we couldn’t see much. It was strange to see Philadelphia street signs, hot dog stands and American flags flying from the buildings. No sign of Brad though.

I’ve just downloaded the book to my Kindle. Waterstones had sold out.

MissAusten's avatar

Read it, liked it a lot, and will probably see the movie when it comes out on DVD. I’m not sure how I feel about Brad Pitt starring in it. Sure, he’s easy on the eyes, but he’s one of those actors that seems to play the same character in every movie. I think he’s only good when he’s playing someone crazy, like in Kalifornia. I also read an article about how fans of the book were upset over the storyline of the movie, which supposedly has been altered quite a bit.

augustlan's avatar

It was really interesting, though sometimes difficult to follow. I’d read it again.

Berserker's avatar

Well, if you like zombies, and especially exploring different types of scenarios involving zombies, it’s just great, I’d totally recommend it.

ucme's avatar

@flutherother I remember when they filmed Billy Elliot just a mile from where I am. All the women folk were desperate to see Julie Walters, never happened though. I reckon, as seems the case with Mr. Pitt, the big stars hide themselves away from the “little people!”

flutherother's avatar

@ucme He has been spotted in the Glasgow shops and at least one fan has managed to circumvent his security. I have started the book and it is a good read. I like the mock documentary style, quite different from most zombie stories.

ucme's avatar

@flutherother I for one would certainly appreciate a change from the formularic style of your average zombie flick.

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