What have you gotten better at / improved upon recently?
Asked by
Seelix (
August 20th, 2011
What great (or not-so-great) strides have you made recently? What are you getting better at or improving upon in your life?
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19 Answers
Pissing people off – I’m like a PRO now! Alas I cannot yet very well controll my fabulous ability and it seems to work almost non-stop nowadays :P
Dealing with hardship. I will not let the hard times bring me down.
Giving Up to Win. This is somewhat of an art my ex tried to teach me. I’ve always been a person who will have a plan A, B, C & D but have mostly been fortunate to get what I want and not need to concede much. Well, I’m been put through my paces these last two years and having given up a lot, compromised a lot and even settled some. It hasn’t been all bad though because I actually feel I’m coming up on track (my track) now.
@jonsblond Your answer is in perfect synchronization with my life right now. Ain’t gona let shizzle bring me down!
According to @JillTheTooth, I’m getting better at standing up for what I believe. I also agree that I have been more assertive lately, in so many aspects of my life. It was long overdue.
Manual transmission in motorcycles and cars… also yoga.
1. I’ve gotten better at not allowing the forcefully declaimed opinions of others to anger me.
2. I’ve gotten better at moving quickly to help my wife do things around the house.
3. I’ve gotten better at planning out complex motorcycle road trips.
4. I’ve gotten better at this whole survivalist thing.
5. I’ve gotten better at hitting distant targets.
My guitar skills have improved massively. I’ve been playing for ten years, with gradual progress, but all of a sudden, I’ve had an exponential gain in ability.
Playing piano. I’ve developed a bit of a better ear for it, and don’t need to rely purely on sheet music to play.
My posture. I’ve been doing yoga for several months and just saw a before and after picture.
Being a predator.
I know how to get what I want. if I’m at a club I can get any girl to dance with me, a year or so ago I could not. If there is an object I want, I will get it. If there is a place I want to be I will go there, and I am generally confident in everything I do.
When I see two or three yobish teenagers hanging around on a corner I will make them get out of my way rather than walking past them, just by the way I stare them out with my head held high, knowing fully well that they have nothing on me.
It is highly enjoyable.
You do understand that bluffing your way through life could result in your being rendered rather dead, yes?
I’ve gotten better at being friendly with people who I have no particular affection for. Naturally I’m very cold with people who I am unsure of, and I’ve been trying to inject a little bit more warmth into my relationships with acquaintances and strangers.
I’ve gotten better at not apologizing compulsively, also.
My ability to be patient. I got surgery on my shoulder done about 8 weeks ago and I learned that what I used to be able to do will not be able to be done for while. It kills me to watch my team start practices and know that it will still be months before I am out there too. But it is for the best that I wait.
Being patient. I tend to move quickly. My SO can only move slowly now. I’m getting better at slowing down with him and not getting antsy.
I’m getting pretty badass at Dead Nation, a zombie themed video game from the Playstation Network. I’m pretty old fashioned when it comes to video games, so I’m really no good at a lot of the recent stuff. When I was first playing this, I had NO idea what I was doing, and could barely understand the controls. Stage one, out of ten, was an ordeal.
But now, I’m playing this bitch like a fine ass ballet. Got almost 40,000 zombies killed, and I’m playing on hard mode. There’s two other hard modes after that, and this one I’m on right now is so hard that I can’t even imagine doing the others…but that’s what I thought two weeks ago, when I was playing on braindead mode, which is the easiest mode.
It’s all I got, man.
Also I’m trying to find all the loot in every level, because if you do, you get a gold trophy. I messed up on some stages, but you can go back, (in any mode, too, or at least the ones you already cleared) and I already cleared 100% loot finds in a lot of them already.
In the past 6 months or so I have become better at talking in front of groups of people. This comes from being part of a customer care team at work where we have to teach groups of about 10 people the values of customer care etc, teaching puppy training to classes of about 6 or 7 people and being a party organiser for Ann Summers where I could hold a party for anywhere between 5 and 20 people. This time last year I would have felt like a fool when talking to more than two people at a time.
I don’t worry nearly as much these days. Well, I still worry, but I don’t dwell. I think this must be how normal people feel. :)
Oh, and even though I’m in the middle of an enormous break from school and it seems like my brain ought to be rotting, I feel like I’m finally starting to get good at probability, which is an area in math that has always eluded me.
I’m getting better with being honest and making choices for myself. I will admit, before I would be scared to think what other people think, and keep my mouth shut. But now, with my boyfriend’s support and others, I’m more confident and I start telling people how I feel and will say no to things I really don’t want to do. I improve this during the summer, which I’m proud of myself for doing it. Now like my boyfriend said, I’ve developed some “lady balls.” :)
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