Social Question

(NSFW) Ever picked up a souvenir from a brothel, that wasn't an STD?
So I was driving home through the rough area of town and was passing this old building, the place had been a “strip club” since I could remember until it was shut down when it was found to be a house of prostitution a few years back (though everyone already knew it was). Anyways, I noticed they were throwing a bunch of stuff out by the road, and among the trash was a fan. Just because, I stopped and grabbed it.
It’s an old, at least 80s style 20” box fan, a little rust, and was wretchedly filthy but it was a free fan. Took it home, ended up cleaning up pretty well, got it working again. I saved the red fingernail polish stains for the sake of whore-house coolness, and a few cigarette burns. As an added bonus, the thing actually does still smell like a cheap perfume, some sort of cherry smell, though place had been abandon for a few years now.
They probably used this thing for decades there, who knows what all it’s been witness to in there. If fans could talk. I’m quite satisfied with this little souvenir of mine.