Meta Question

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

When are the Fluther chat rooms busiest?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37844points) August 21st, 2011

If you’re going to put a time on it, then let’s use US Pacific time for ease of reference.

I’ve noticed that the chat rooms are busiest around midnight or so on a Friday night.

What’s your experience?

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9 Answers

rooeytoo's avatar

It is 7 pm Sunday eve here which means it is 11 pm Saturday in Honolulu or 5 am Sunday in Philadelphia. So no wonder you are around Jake, but not surprised the east coast USA folks are not.

I used to check in mid afternoon my time and there was almost always someone there, but since we moved back to civilization I usually only spend time here in the evening so chatting is rare! It’s a shame, I like to catch up with the chatty jellies now and again.

_zen_'s avatar

When you PM me to pop in…

ucme's avatar

On the 40th of every month?

incendiary_dan's avatar

I usually notice more people Sunday nights here, which I think would be Sunday afternoon for you.

Blueroses's avatar

I usually find people around on Weds and Thurs evenings (US Mountain Time)

CWOTUS's avatar

Ten minutes before I log in.

rooeytoo's avatar

@CWOTUS – you gotta stop telling people in advance that you are coming, then they will not have time to escape before your arrival! :-)

Berserker's avatar

I was gonna say Wednesday and Sunday evenings, as this was the case, or so I had observed, about a year ago. But right now, it just seems assbeat random. Can’t say. :/

ZEPHYRA's avatar


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