Social Question

john65pennington's avatar

Did you know that today is National Poet Day?

Asked by john65pennington (29278points) August 21st, 2011

Today is the day you read your favorite poem or thank your favorite writer for the poems they have constructed. I have never been a writer of poetry. But, today I will make the effort to write a poem to a person on Fluther, that I highly respect. Here goes:

Roses are red

Violets are blue

I wish I had the time

To get to know you.

It’s simple, but to the point.

Question: what words come to your mind today, that will express how you feel about your significant other, the world, the president or any other topic that you fancy? Freedom of speech prevails here and the sky is the limit…...............

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7 Answers

_zen_'s avatar

No, somehow,
But I do now.

rebbel's avatar

My girlfriend lives in Greece.

I am here
You are there

It’s not fair

KatawaGrey's avatar

I did not know that! I actually wrote a poem earlier this morning, the first I’ve written in a few months. How appropriate!

ucme's avatar

Okay who farted?
Whoever smelt it dealt it.
Whoever said the rhyme did the crime!
Whoever said the verse made the atmosphere worse.

Yeah, course I did ;¬}

mazingerz88's avatar

I did not therefore I don’t! Tra-la-lahh! : )

Shivering cold
Trickles of dew
My beer bottle
And Colt 45. too

Berserker's avatar

I’d like to thank Edgar Alan Poe for being so awesome, and also an inspiration. I wrote a few poems throughout the years, and he was always my muse, along with plenty of Victorian vampire literature.

I’d also like to thank Vasile Alecsandri for writing the most epic vampire poem that exists.

yankeetooter's avatar

Within reach, so near,
And yet so far away.
I want to see him badly,
And I miss him everyday.

How do I resist temptation,
And do what I know is right?
When I would give almost anything,
To have him once again in my sight.

To hear his gentle calming voice,
To see his infectious grin,
To look into his hazel eyes,
That draw me further in.

How do I say “no” to that,
Though I know it’s only what’s right?
How do I not go over there?
How do I solve this plight?

To know it’s the best for him and me,
Still doesn’t quench the flame.
Of course I’ll deny myself this joy,
But my heart will break all the same.

Denying what I want so badly
Is like refusing to breathe.
My conscience may be satisfied,
But my heart will only grieve…

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