How willing are you to hurt someone else's feelings?
On the other hand, how afraid are you of hurting someone else’s feelings? Why?
I am generally afraid to hurt someone else’s feelings. If it’s someone I like, I’m afraid they’ll disappear on me; maybe even leave me. If it’s someone I have a less important relationships with, I’m afraid they’ll get angry and make my life unpleasant for a long time.
I try hard not to hurt anyone else’s feelings. I try to deal with problems in a constructive way instead of an emotional way. If someone else gets emotional, I try to be understanding. But I can’t go around not really caring how people respond to me.
I think other people aren’t afraid of hurting anyone else’s feelings at all. They have a kind of confidence that allows them to slash and burn their way through relationships. Maybe they have a lot of power, so they don’t care.
Where do you fit on the spectrum? From avoiding it at all costs to not giving a shit, where do you fit? How much are you willing to hurt someone else’s feelings?
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25 Answers
Always on the lookout not to offend anybody, unless I’m willing and ready to engage in a worthy fight for a worthy cause. I lose sleep at night when I inadvertently hurt someone’s feelings and I hate saying I’m sorry so I do my best to avoid it.
I’m not called nice for nothing. I try to avoid hurting feelings as much as possible. I won’t lie to someone to avoid hurting feelings, but I’m not going to be a bitch or be rude. You can be honest with someone without being hurtful or rude.
I dislike hurting anyone’s feelings, whether I know them or not. I’ve been hurt myself and it’s unpleasant, I have no desire to cause that for other people.
I try to avoid hurting anyone’s feelings all the time and for different reasons. I don’t like my feelings being hurt as I am quite sensitive that way and so I don’t want to hurt anyone else’s feelings. Sometimes it is just fear on my part as to how someone will react, but not usually.
I have neither the will or the inclination, of course not.
Keeping your mouth shut and not interacting with that person is the best way of not hurting their feelings. I do not enjoy making someone else suffer. I tend to say I’m sorry if I see the other person got his/her feelings hurt. But when someone acts like a jerk I don’t really care if my words make them feel bad. What comes around goes around. And since people have the tendency to just say crap about others when they don’t know them pretty well [they judge them just by a few words] .. well .. you get the idea.
Sorry again to those whom I disrespected in a way or another. Free hugs ^^
I honestly don’t really think much about how people will react to what I say. I’d probably be a mute if I did that all the time.
My wife says I’m incapable of being something other than what I am. I am not very sensitive about what people say directly or indirectly, so I tend not to pussyfoot around things. I’ve been called blunt, terse, a fucked-up bitch, and many other things just for saying what I think/feel. I think people become offended because they think I am judging them just because I am in disagreement or I say something construed as harsh about one thing or another. Truth is I make statements, I don’t judge, unless I do, and then I’ll say so. But I rarely judge people. Maybe that’s why I don’t make many friends and why I lose some, but the people who know me best know that I am a big softy, who would give the skin off of my back for just about anyone. Oh, well.
Some things are just better left unsaid.
If some one pisses me off I will quite happily drop emotional nukes without a second thought.
I would never want to hurt someone’s feelings. However, unintentionally things I say can come out not how I intended. But actively wanting to make another human feel emotional pain, doesn’t seem normal to me.
I would never want to intentionally hurt someone’s feelings.
When I do wind up hurting someone’s feelings, it’s always unintentional, but the truth always wins in any conflict with feelings. However, if the truth isn’t really necessary, I will refrain from stating it if it would hurt someone’s feelings. The bottom line is, if it’s not necessary to hurt someone’s feelings, then make efforts not to do so.
I don’t intentionally hurt people’s feelings ever, but if someone asks me for my opinion, I will tell them the truth weather it hurts or not. If someone respects me enough to ask me my opinion or ask me for the truth, I will respect them enough to tell them the truth or my honest opinion.
I always think it is important to communicate your feelings with someone and be honest, rather than avoiding them it is painful and hurtful to just abandon someone especially those you care and you like.
I always communicate and be clear about things.
My desire not to hurt is sometimes at war with my recognition of people’s foibles and ability to skewer them with my wit. It’s a conflict; I truly don’t want to hurt but I kind of enjoy my wit and edge.
If I like you I will go out of my way to make sure you are happy, but hurt my feelings one tiny bit and I will find the thing that is most hurtful to you and use it against you repeatedly.
I’m an asshole and a bridge burner with a sharp tongue. I’m working on that. I tend to not give a shit especially if I feel what I’m saying is the truth that nobody else dare say.
I’m all about honesty, and while I would never intentionally hurt someones feelings, I have no problem with honest confrontation if someones behavior is a problem for me.
The true test of all relationships are how honest and open both parties can be, even if it’s uncomfortable.
I am open to correction, confrontation, and feedback, I expect the same from those that I call friends, otherwise it’s a false ‘relationship.’
If it’s only about mirroring someones false self back to them, then, no thanks, I want to grow in my relationships, and without honesty, self reflection and honest confrontation that doesn’t happen.
I’d rather not, thank you. If I do, it’s unintentional and I’ll apologize if I find out. I remember my father gruffly saying once, when I complained that he had hurt my feelings, “That’s what feelings are for.” Too bad, Dad. You lost points on that one.
Most of the time I usually try to be nice and tell people the truth using nice words. But I keep getting pushed down and my friends will just will hurt MY feelings. Then after a while I got tired of being the one who is always too nice. I started to be more honest and tell my friends how I felt. Some of them gain respect for me, others got mad just because they weren’t used to it. Now I feel more confident with myself and I will become honest when I have to, but most of the time I am nice.
It is no need to be nasty to other people especially those you care and like. Being honest and communicative are key to treat people.
I try my hardest not to hurt someone’s feelings. But if someone makes me mad, maybe I would intentionally hurt their feelings because they hurt mine. I don’t like to, but I feel like I would somehow have the need to. I know it’s bad and it’s wrong.
Willing? On purpose? I would never do that.
I don’t hurt people’s feelings without good reason. If I have to say something that will hurt them but I know it is something they need to hear, I will speak up, but I wouldn’t deliberately hurt someone without there being good reason. I am sure there have been times when I have said things and hurt people unintentionally though.
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