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mazingerz88's avatar

How do I get rid of bugs living in my oven for good?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29284points) August 21st, 2011

It seems bugs have made a habitat out of our rarely used oven. We see them coming in and out of it and I have a feeling the hard to get to nooks and crannies of the oven are perfect hiding places for these sonamvaguns. Have you ever tried going after bugs living in your oven? Of course we would try firing it up but I just want to get info if this would work and maybe get tips on how to make sure it works. Thanks!

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10 Answers


I wonder if you can spray the nooks and crannies with an insecticidal soap? They sell these potassium salt based soaps in garden stores (Wal-Mart and Home Depot carry them too), sometimes in concentrate form, sometimes in ready-to-use solutions. These soaps kill bugs by “melting away” their exterior exoskeletons and suffocating them, but are relatively non-toxic to humans. But you got to get the critters on contact to kill them. After you spray, you can flush the nooks and crannies with water, then heat up your oven to get rid of the remaining few that might have survived.

rebbel's avatar

Turn the thing on.
Cremate them.
After that you only have to vacuum them out.

mazingerz88's avatar

@MRSHINYSHOES Thank you! Will definitely check that out. The Raid spray works too but only it seems with direct contact. I’m wary of its chemical effect so my spray area is limited.

creative1's avatar

I hate to ask this but did you try like and easy off oven cleaner, its pretty powerful stuff and my end up killing the things without the worry of killing you too when you go to cook in your oven.

mazingerz88's avatar

@creative1 No I haven’t. But it is worth a try you’re right. These bugs are impervious sometimes.

bkcunningham's avatar

I knew someone who saw insects in her oven. Like you she rarely used the oven and sort of ignored it for a while. Come to find out, when she lit her gas oven, it nearly burnt her apartment down. The source of the insects was dog food. The source of the dog food was mice.

The mice were living in the oven and carrying dog food from her dog’s supply into their nice little mouse house. Her landlord had to buy a new range.

mazingerz88's avatar

@bkcunningham Wow, now that you mentioned it, I haven’t seen any mice yet but 10 years ago I did have a 4 hour encounter with a mouse that I discovered to be living in our unused oven. I finally cornered him after 4 hours in the bathroom and my brother took him there.

FluffyChicken's avatar

What a blessing to have an oven. Use your oven more.


@mazingerz88 Yeah, Raid is more toxic and “chemically”, so be wary.

pezz's avatar

serve an eviction notice

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