Have you ever considered committing Facebook suicide?
I sit there reading updates from people I barely know, more involved in the lives of random people I knew briefly at school than I am with who ever it is that makes all the noise next door and I wonder how much better my life would be with out facebook.
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24 Answers
All the time, Facebook is terrible. I really don’t know why I keep going back to it.
Now if you’ll excuse me I’m off to harvest my crops on Farmville.
Already have… twice. And here I am, alive to talk about it. ;)
But then I have never considered committing Facebook birth either. (a.k.a. making an account in the first place)
Facebook is not being used by people in the best of sense. I think Michael Moore’s next movie should explore the impact of Facebook and similar sites upon people.
Transparency is good however, I’d never recommend sharing so much information with so many people…it’s unsafe to say the least.
My #1 reason for using Facebook is social marketing for a theater group I’m involved with. We can reach a very wide audience for free. I also keep up with the happenings of other theater groups in my area that way.
I skim through the status updates extremely quickly by looking at the pictures of the people who have posted. I know which ones I want to read and which ones I don’t. Like many things, I take the best and leave the rest.
I enjoy keeping up with people on FB, I ignore the stuff I don’t care about.
I deleted my Facebook once, after a change to the site made me uneasy. It was an attempt to change to old settings, which worked… so I brought my page back. Otherwise, nope. I use Facebook to keep in touch with relatives that I wouldn’t really keep in touch with otherwise, I also use it for games. I like it, overall. Plus, my Facebook is a busy spot. We have long, interesting conversations on my status updates on a regular basis… it keeps things fun.
I use my home page only for a forum on British cryptic crosswords. However, I do note that there are some people who send out trivial and not-very-interesting bulletins on what seems like their every thought, action, snack and alcohol beverage of choice.
What is the purpose, for either broadcaster or the audience for this stuff?
The conversations seem trifling and short-lived, from what I note. Maybe I am missing something.
I’ve deleted my account in the past only to reactivate it again. I find it a bit farcical really. Doesn’t keep me away mind you!
Ya just gotta pare down. Delete or block the folks that are annoying or with whom you don’t interact. So what if you only end up with ten “friends”? Maybe then you’ll enjoy it more.
Speaking of which, I’m due for another “housecleaning”.
All the time. Not because I don’t like it, but it’s just one more thing I feel like I have to keep up with.
I’ve tried before.
I couldn’t even delete my account, just ’‘put it to sleep’’ so to speak. Maybe now you can get rid of it totally, but it’s more useful than I thought. Not a big fan of it, but it’s good for keeping in touch with peeps.
I’ve considered it multiple times, but I have several friends from Fluther and several friends from World of Warcraft that I keep up with on FB. I also have a few family members who live far away that only communicate via FB.
And I like shaking it up from time to time with silly status updates, just to try to make people smile a little.
Because of facebook I have found a few relatives I never new existed and reconnected with friends. I never sit a long time and read my news feed, I just read the status updates right in front of me when I first log on. Sometimes it says I have 300+ recent updates, which means I probably did not read 290 of them. I hide thr farmville and smiilar bullshit. I just created a group a couple months ago, and now we are planning a reunion, I am thrilled to see everyone. Almost more than a high school reunion, bevause these are people I worked with as an adult, and I think I will have more meaningful things in common with them than people I knew when I was 15.
The only thing annoying about facebook is the lack of control over privacy. There is no way to control a post being seen by everyone in the world if the thread you post on is open to everyone. I hate that.
No. Facebook is how I keep in touch with many family and friends I would otherwise not talk to that much. I’ve also gotten to know a few people better thanks to Facebook, and I have made new friends. I have no complaints. There is a little button called “unfriend” for those who bring negativity into my life. I’ve used it many times.
It just occurred to me that @JLeslie wouldn’t be here if we hadn’t bumped into each other on Facebook. Yay for Facebook!
@augustlan Very True. I’m still not sure how you found me. Was I a friend of one of your friends?
@JLeslie I honestly can’t remember. You might have come up as a suggestion, since we went to the same school?
@augustlan That makes sense. Probably it was that. And, I belong to our school’s groups if you are a member of any of those.
I did about 5 years ago it’s amazing! I seriously have no Internet presence besides this site. I even deleted my Yelp. I’m a bit anti-social.
I committed Facebook suicide over 2 years ago and I can honestly say I have never been happier about doing anything on the internet. I have left the herd and the Gubament has No idea where I am, what I had for dinner tonite, what jerks I went to school with and what the dog did on the floor last night and how pissed I am that once again, I forgot to remove that one red item from the warm wash and turned everything pink… I feel all stealth and incognito.
*I think I was borning them? I had to be stopped!
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