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XOIIO's avatar

Where is this, and what is this?

Asked by XOIIO (18360points) August 22nd, 2011
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5 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

It is a 3D computer rendering of a nonexistent place.

XOIIO's avatar

@ragingloli I’m not so sure, if it is its incredible.

ragingloli's avatar

I am pretty sure.
1. the books are too neatly arranged, the actual diversity is limited. Pick any book on those shelves and see how many duplicates you find.
2. the handrails on those stairs are obstructing books, so you could never take them.
3. look at the lowest walkway. the only structural connections are at either end at the main wall. It has no other structural support. What is even worse, this walk way is apparently the only support of the walk ways above it.
Combine that with those flimsy metal rods the walk way is made of, the entire structure would immediately collapse.
4. the book shelves continue below the lowest walk way, making it impossible to get to any of these books.
5. there is a huge gap between the upper walkways and the lower walkways. you will never get to any of the books between them, since there are no ladders anywhere.
6. I have severe doubts that the only apparant light source at the ceiling would be strong enough to illuminate the entire cavern to that extent without completey overexpose the upper levels of the shelf and walkways.
7. No people anywhere. Not a single one. You would think that there would be at least some people walking around there, especially considering the 2 huge escalators on the left side. Remember, modelling architecture is a lot easier than modelling people.

Cruiser's avatar

It is called the Wall of Knowledge and is a concept design for the Stockholm library. The current real library is pretty impressive as it is!

Roby's avatar

A really great photo-choped image.

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