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JLeslie's avatar

Can we talk about the Republican candidates for President so far?

Asked by JLeslie (65902points) August 22nd, 2011

I just was hoping to hear a discussion from the collective about the Repubicans running, and those who still might enter the mix. I hear discussions on TV, but trust the colllective for bits of information I might have missed or the media is not emphasizing.

Tell me who you like and why. Also, who terrifes you. If you think they have a shot to be the nominee in the end, and if you think they might beat Obama. Let us know what party you identify with personally.

Also, do you think the Republicans will have a huge turn out? And, do you think the black vote might not turn out as much as they did in 2008?

I am interested in Huntsman, but the Republicans and media seem to be saying he has no chance. What I am not clear on with him is if he is singing the slash taxes song at this time also?

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30 Answers

Cruiser's avatar

They are saying Ron Paul and Palin may jump into the fray. Until all of these candidates debate…my jury will be out.

YoBob's avatar

Happy to give my opinion.

While technically an independent, I tend to lean quite a bit to the right and more often than not support the Republican candidate unless there is a viable independent/Libertarian candidate.

As for the Republican field thus far:

Romney – Not a bad choice. I could vote for him.

Perry – I wouldn’t vote for that jackass on a bet (and this coming from a 5+ generation Texan living in Austin who, according to my grandmother, is somehow related to that douche bag).

Bachman – She wouldn’t be so bad if she would tone down the whole Christian moral agenda thing. Of course, that is unlikely to happen.

Palin – AAAAARRRRRGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! Not a chance. Although, she is fulfilling her function of diverting press attention away from the actual viable candidates.

Ron Paul – Although not really a Republican, he would be my first choice, especially given the sad field that seems to be emerging.

Sure wish Condi Rice would come out of retirement and throw her hat in the ring.

JLeslie's avatar

@YoBob Would you consider voting for Obama if you hate the Republican who winds up being the Republican pick?

And, Huntsman, what is your opinion on him if you have one.

Cruiser's avatar

@JLeslie To answer your Q just above here….I too am independent and would actually consider a vote for a Democrat if Obama stepped aside and allowed a better qualified person to run on that ticket. So far Ron Paul has most of my attention.

JLeslie's avatar

I just don’t see how Ron Paul would ever win in the Republican primaries. The Republicans are very mean to him in my opinion. I guess maybe with the tea party emergence in the last couple years he has a better shot this time around.

Qingu's avatar

Huntsman is the only candidate who seems worthy of the office.

Romney might not be a disaster; you could charitably call him a “pragmatist,” which I do think is an important quality. On the other hand his lack of consistency and pandering is shameful, and the only matter he does seem to be consistent about—protecting the interests of corporations and wealthy people—is something I’m strongly against.

I admire Ron Paul’s intellectual consistency and, as a Democrat, I (sort of) agree with his views on military power and personal/social freedoms. I think his view of the Constitution and economics is extremely deluded though.

I don’t even want to talk about the other candidates because it’s too depressing.

YoBob's avatar

@JLeslie – Erm…. HELL NO!

I will vote my conscious and place a vote for the 3rd party candidate, which is likely to be Ron Paul.

I guess the fly in that ointment is if the Republican ticket winds up being Perry/Paul.
(At least it would get that jackass out of the Texas governor’s mansion.)

JLeslie's avatar

@Qingu Do you like Huntsman’s stance on taxes? He seems to be a slash taxes guy. Although, he also seems to be very rational in general. Would you vote for him over Obama if he had a moderate running mate?

@YoBob I thought that would be your answer, but I didn’t want to assume. I actually votrd for Obama even though he was not my choice, because I could not vote McCain/Palin. I get caught between voting for someone in the major parties or seemingky waisting my vote ona third party candidate. I am hopeful one day an independent wins, but I realize I am not doing much to help it happen, since I am not using my vote to help it along.

Qingu's avatar

@JLeslie, no, I definitely wouldn’t vote for him over Obama. I would rather have a pragmatic, rational center-right president (Obama) than a pragmatic, rational hard-right president (Huntsman).

On taxes, I am not an ideologue. I don’t think we should raise taxes right now, actually—not until we come out of recession. But this is largely because I think dealing with the recession is a greater priority than dealing with the debt right now. But if and when we are going to deal meaningfully with the debt, that’s when I believe that raising taxes should be non-negotiable. I would hope that Huntsman, like Bush Sr., would be pragmatic enough to do what needs to be done rather than pander to his party’s insane and psychopathic base.

tedd's avatar

About me: Vehement Democrat, mild liberal. Voted for Obama, voted for Bush (would have voted for Dean had he got the nomination), would have voted for Gore had I been old enough. Favor centrist, liberal leaning policies.

Republican candidates I would consider voting for: Romney and Huntsman. They are the most centrist, and least crazy in the bunch. All things said I doubt I would take either over Obama.

Republican candidates I feel are unqualified: Cane (spelling?)

Republican candidates I feel are unqualified to the point of striking fear into my heart so great I would consider fleeing the country should they be elected?: Bachmann, Palin.

Republican Candidates I feel are qualified, but I disagree with on about everything: Perry, Gingrich.

Republican Candidate I most respect: Paul.

Jaxk's avatar

The feild is rather interesting.

Gingrich is the smartest of the lot. He unfortunately comes across as not very likeable. He also desimated his campaign and seems an unlikely winner. Too bad.

Ron Paul is an interesting guy but his positions are a bit hard core for me. I think most of the Democrats that like like his stance on the war but I doubt they really understand his position on social issues. Which is primarily, the government should not be involved. His stance on SS and Medicare is to make them voluntary. Make up the loss in revenue from the defense budget. Health care also gone. I’m not totally opposed to these positions but I doubt they would garner much of the Democrat of independent vote. Total elimination of the Fed is also troubling. Not saying it’s bad, just scary. He’d only get my vote against Obama, not anyone else.

Bachmann, is a bit hard core even for me as well. I’m pretty far right but her positions are just too inflexible. And she’s a bit overly religious for me. Not to mention she lacks the executive experience I’d like to see in a president. We already have a president with no executive experience and it hasn’t worked out too well. Also her gaffs are beginning to build up. Most are inconsequential but even though not substantial, they build up.

Cain is interesting. He sounds good most of the time but he seems to be learning. He has good business experience but very little political experience either nationally or internationally. I really don’t want another on the job training kind of president. The problems are too severe.

Palin, what can I say. I doubt she will enter the race and hope she uses her popularity to support rather than run. She has too many negatives and right or wrong the left has effectively destroyed her. She would be much better in a supporting role for the nominated candidate.

Romney, I’ve always liked. He is smart, has executive experience, and business experience. His romney care will hurt his chances but I think his answers have been good. I like his position on most issues and hope he fairs well in the primaries.

Perry also looks good. A little too religious for my likes but I don’t think it would affect my vote. His jobs creation record is excellent and he has done well with Texas (from aoutside appearances). I don’t know quite enough about hime yet to decide between him and Romney.

Overall I’d say it is between Romney and Perry. At this point either one would work for me. I do hope Ryan stays out of the race since he’s better where he is than on the canpaign trial. Christi, I don’t know. He looks good but has had the national exposure to define his chances.

Mamradpivo's avatar

I’d really rather not. Maybe ask again in a year?

filmfann's avatar

I think Palin is following Jessie Ventura’s advice for staying out of the primaries, then swoopinging into the convention and presenting yourself as a candidate unblemished by primary stances. I also think it won’t work for Palin. She is unelectable.

john65pennington's avatar

Governor Perry from Texas. He uses his mouth and backs it up.

filmfann's avatar

How does Perry get a presidential nomination when he was promoting the idea of Texas seceding from the Union two years ago?

Cruiser's avatar

@filmfann Perry flexed his progressive muscles doing that and caught peoples attention! People obviously DO want change! ;)

cletrans2col's avatar

@YoBob Perry and Paul could not be on the same ticket.

To the question, the only viable candidates are Romney and Perry (and that is only if Ryan does not get in the race).

Huntsman is a liberal, Bachmann and Palin are unaccomplished hacks (but then again, Obama did win in ‘08), and who really cares about the rest.

Romney and Perry have better and more compelling track records, along with the fact that they would be able to fundraise and keep up with Barry on that front. When/if the primaries make it to Ohio, I will be voting Perry, even though he likes to thump the Bible way too much.

@filmfann that is so old and tired. Think of another “attack” already.

Qingu's avatar

The fact that you think Huntsman is a “liberal” is scary and speaks volumes about how far to the extreme the Republican party has moved.

filmfann's avatar

@cletrans2col Ya, going back 2 years is only okay if it something a democrat said. Come the General Election, the Republicans will be screaming to ignore anything said during the primaries.

YoBob's avatar

@Qingu – Beliving Huntsman a liberal is no more scary than your belief that Obama is center-right.

Qingu's avatar

Economically and environmentally Obama is absolutely center right. Compare him to Reagan and Nixon.

I guess you can make the argument that he’s left socially because he tries to treat gays and atheists as human beings.

cletrans2col's avatar

@Qingu If failed stimulus and overbearing environmental regulation is centre-right, then I am Jesus Christ.

tedd's avatar

@cletrans2col Overbearing environmental regulation? We are pumping more oil out of the US than at any time in our nations history. We have vastly expanded “fracking” under the Obama administrations direction. Their “regulations” just saw a paper mill in La dump enough toxic waste into a river to kill hundreds of thousands of fish and wipe out virtually all life in the river all the way to the Gulf of Mexico.

Don’t get me wrong, Obama has made a lot of moves towards clean energy and towards making sure we’re not killing our country and our planet…. But “overbearing”? Wow man, just wow. If Big Business can’t run their operation without poisoning our planet, then they need to learn to run their business better…. PERIOD

Qingu's avatar

@cletrans2col, are you unaware that Nixon, a Republican, founded the EPA?

cletrans2col's avatar

@Qingu I am also aware that he expanded social programs. I am also aware that he is pro-choice. what is your point?

cletrans2col's avatar

@tedd I am referring to that cap-and-trade hoodwink that he attempted to pass. I know he didn’t pass it, but he supports it fully.

tedd's avatar

@cletrans2col Cap-and-trade was an idea once supported by various Republicans, and is akin to environmental regulations put into place by past Republicans (such as the EPA, which they now hate).

Heck even the stimulus… Obama could have made it 700 billion, or heck a trillion dollars of just plain old spending. He didn’t. He tried to lure in Republicans to sign off on it. He tried to make it more of a “compromise” bill that they would like, even when they refused to suggest ideas. That’s why roughly ⅓ of the entire stimulus bill was in tax cuts. The democrats by in large didn’t think tax cuts would help that much, so why would they have bothered if it wasn’t for Obama trying to be centrist?

How about his policy on the foreign wars? Its definitely not liberal. Healthcare, he could’ve gone for the public option and rammed it through in a few weeks rather than let it gestate for months upon months and let Republicans tear it to shreds and make up crap about it (kill grandma, etc). Instead he tried to get the Republicans to suggest ideas, and when they did he incorporated them… only to find the Republicans then turn on the same ideas they had just suggested. Heck the plan he finally settled on is a near carbon copy of Mitt Romney’s plan, and the one suggested back in the 90’s by McCain and about ⅓ of the then Republican caucus. There’s no sign of a public option, something the far left had been screaming for.

Even gay rights! He actually had the DoD defending the defense of marriage act, and fighting against DADT! Even now that the DoD is “not defending” the DoMA, they’re still enforcing it. That doesn’t sound very left wing to me.

Qingu's avatar

@cletrans2col, on social programs, his health care plan was once supported by the Heritage foundation and was basically identical to the plan put in place by Mitt Romney, currently the front runner of the Republican party.

But I guess you have a point that he’s pro-choice. Like I said, he’s left on the culture wars, but economically and foreign policy he’s a centrist if not center-right by historical standards. I don’t think you realize how extreme today’s Republican party is.

cletrans2col's avatar

@tedd The DoD’s boss is the President, so if Obama says, “we’re letting the queers in”, we are letting the queers in. Many voiced their opposition, but what the Boss says, goes.

In terms of the war, Obama was being realistic. Do I as a conservative believe we should leave, absolutely. But Barry is winding it down, and that is the way you have to do it, for that I give him kudos.

Both you and @Qingu are being disingenuous about the Heritage Foundation and their support for Obamacare. As explained here, they supported the states designing a model that would be more patient-friendly and less bureaucratic. Barry’s plan is not that.

So basically you both are saying that Obama is center-right because he didn’t spend more, created a responsible plan to FINALLY leaving those 4th world cesspools, and respects the military enough to gradually implement a plan that liberals finally got after whining for change after 20 years? You guys are tougher on your own than conservatives are.

tedd's avatar

@cletrans2col Right, you’re aware that Obama and the white house didn’t give an order to end DADT, and it was simply overturned in court and by congress….. right?

And the Heritage Foundation? Really? Ok you want to complain about bureaucratic nightmares, why don’t you look at the system “Barry’s” plan replaces. Hell even in the cost… Republicans like to rave about how the new “Obamacare” plan will cost our country like 700 billion dollars over the next 10 years…. Apparently ignoring the part about the plan its replacing costing nearly a trillion dollars in the same time period, while insuring less people. And in the end we should have gone all the way left and made a public option, it would’ve saved our country and our businesses gazillions of dollars and insured everyone.

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