What do you think of the husband buying a gift for the baby shower?
If the husband brought a gift to his own wife’s baby shower, would it be appropriate? Weird? Not right? Cool? Awesome? Amazing? Unreal?
Have you ever seen this before? Have you ever done this before? What’s your take?
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24 Answers
That’s actually really sweet. I haven’t seen it done before, but it seems appropriate and awesome.
I have seen it done, and yes, it is sweet.
It’d be super sweet if it were personalized if you & your wife have picked out a name already.
Now, what push present are you saving up for? ;P
I think it could be very special!
Another vote for sweet here, with the addition of cool. If anyone is looking for recommendations, this is one that I think is special as it is good for a lifetime.
@SpatzieLover I was hoping no one would bring up that topic.
@SpatzieLover <heavy sigh of relief> and GA then on both accounts
I think that would be great! Such a loving thing for the daddy-to-be to do!
@Pied_Pfeffer That’s a great gift… if only we weren’t waiting to reveal her name until after she’s born.
I am outnumbered in my opinion, so I will just agree with the majority of the answers.
Can you give a good reason why one shouldn’t?
@erichw1504 Boxes can be tampered with When the shipment arrives, take out the engraved nameplate and put it in a a card/envelope with a personalized note. If you give it to her the morning of the party, she’ll have no clue what the plaque is about until she opens your present. It will be a special secret you two can share as you endure a flood of stereotypical feminine qualities that occur at such events. Trust me. I’m female, and there have been times when it gets to be too much for me.
Sounds nice, though I think baby showers are usually attended by just women. I’d put a gift in the pile before the party and slip away. ;-)
It’s going to be a Jack & Jill shower (both females and males will be attending).
@erichw1504 Optional nickel-plated plaque may be personalized with up to 25 characters per line (two-line maximum). Personalized plaque arrives in an envelope with the product and may be affixed by the recipient at their discretion.
All of the baby showers in my family for the last 15 years or so have been co-ed, so there are both men and women and little kids at these parties. Usually the couple sits up front and opens baby gifts that are meant for both of them, but I know my female cousins would be thrilled and delighted if their husband presented them with something special in front of the crowd. Because the husbands (at least in my family) already did something cool for the baby, such as making a crib or a rocking chair or a baby toy box. But if hubby gave her something very sweet, such as something that she had to read in front of everyone that made her tear up, that would be awesome. Like a poem about how he is going to feel when he first sees the baby, or something about knowing that his wife was the only one for him and now they’re going to be a family. Or if the husband or the wife participates in some sort of unusual hobby like being a carpenter or figure skating, it would be really cute to give the mother an outfit or a tiny replica of the tools of the trade of that particular hobby.
Amazing. We need more fathers to do that so we can say we care more.
haven’t seen it but think his wife will love it!!!
I think it’s cute, but he might be the only guy there.
@erichw1504 It’s going to be a Jack & Jill shower (both females and males will be attending). That’s the only kind of shower my family has, too. They’re the best as men tend to be hilarious during the present opening. ;) I still recall a few of the wise-cracks.
@SpatzieLover Me too! At the baby shower for our first daughter, I opened this sack and pulled out the most adorable pink, ruffled dress with matching ruffled booties and my husband yelled out, “Oh my God, that’ll go perfect with my new purse!” It was hysterical!
Especially since we still have the dress!! I’ve given away most of my daughters’ baby clothes, except some special items that I’m saving for their future children… if they have girls.
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