Who would make a great life coach?
Hey Jellies who do you think would make a great life coach and get you motivated and on track to accomplish your goals. I was just thinking Tony Little, the pony-tailed guy from the exercise infomercials. He was always pumped up and energetic.
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19 Answers
Jesus Christ, the ultimate hippie, socialist, savior, miracle maker, man who feeds man, God. :D
You know no one will be able to top that answer, good one @dreamwolf. He is the best life coach, don’t know what I was thinking
^Did you just hear my eyes roll?
What the hell is a “life coach”?
@chyna I was kidding. I thought everyone knew by now that I’m a Kenyan, liberal, atheist, socialist and communist…..lol.
@King_Pariah I love Friedrich…..but he wasn’t too good with the ladies….and my life coach would have to help me out with that lol.
@Blackberry I knew you were, just making my thoughts of Ms. Bachman known.
@Blackberry I’m a bit of a natural in that field, I wouldn’t need coaching there. so he’s perfect for moi.
@Blackberry I don’t take pupils. :P And I’m not currently active, I’ve have more important matters to deal with.
Those gungho supposedly super motivating life coaches, whatever that might be, make me want to dig my eyes out with a runcible spoon (that would be a spork to those of you younger than the age of 35).
I like a calm person who really knows what they are doing to help me out. Boy! All the people I know like that are not famous. I will not name names in order to protect the guilty. Also the innocent. Not that any life coach I would want would be innocent.
Me. This would be my motivational speech at my seminar after collecting 200 dollars from everyone.
Welcome everyone who just walked through the door. Let me say one thing first. Thank you all for your $200 donation. You are all here because you want to learn the secrets to success.
These are the steps.
1. Stop whining. Somewhere around the age of 10 you should’ve learned that it wasn’t productive.
2. Get off your lazy ass and make something of your life. It doesn’t all have to be big and glamourous. Just enough. If everone special who would clean the toilets.
3. Stop living in your head, and live a real life. You were not born to royalty. If you were you wouldn’t be here.
4. Nobody owes you a dam thing.
5. Stop being a sap and giving your money away to people who promise to straighten you out.
You are apparently too stupid to keep people like me away from your money. So stop thinking your are going to be the next Bill Gates. Settle for being Al Gore.
6. Now get the F out of my sight. Good night and coffee and cookies is now being served.
Thanks again. And don’t forget to grow up. Nobody is going to do it for you. Please be sure to pick up your balls on the way out you whiny idiot.
(of course I won’t really be in the room. I will only have a screen projection play to different conferences around the world and I’ll have a mask on.)
I’m not stupid.
Without a doubt, hands down, Alec Baldwin.
(Life coach with benefits?)
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