Pro-choice jellies: Do you support (ethically) a girl using first-trimester abortions as a form of birth control? Why/not?
Asked by
Nullo (
August 22nd, 2011
See question.
No, this isn’t the most effective method; you can assume that the girl in question lacks foresight.
No, this isn’t supposed to be flame bait.
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40 Answers
Pro Choice means I support a person making their own choice based on their individual needs. It also means I don’t decide for them.
My favorite motto is Make your choice before you made a baby.
Doesn’t matter whether I “support” it. Ain’t my body. Kinda the whole point of being pro-choice.
What @YARNLADY wrote and I’d like to add:
Make your choice before you make a baby, do not expect the public to want to financially support you
Using it as a form of birth control is insane. Even first trimester abortions play the devil with a young girls body. Best to use it as the back up plan.
I knew a girl that did this back many years ago. Three times. Better to use other birth control methods, as it is easier on the body.
The definition of hypocrisy often includes the Republican position on denying abortions to the poor, and then not wanting to fund the social programs to feed and educate those children.
I am pro-life but I am kind of against aborting kids like a Pez dispenser.
@Blondesjon Lol!
Just because I’m pro choice doesn’t mean I think babies should be aborted willy nilly. I’m not even a fan of late term abortions. So my answer is no. My reasoning is that abortion isn’t birth control like the pill, and I would question the intelligence of anyone that used it as so. Well, I wouldn’t question it….they’re just an idiot and shouldn’t be having kids anyway.
As a former fetus, I’m opposed to using abortion as a form of birth control.
I don’t support it, and I kind of doubt that it happens that often, but in the end, it’s none of my damn business and I’m not going to legislate against it.
I have no problem with it. There are plenty of people in the world, and someone who doesn’t want a child shouldn’t raise one.
@bkcunningham: I’m a former fetus and I have heard it from my mother that if abortions had been legal when her pregnancy was discovered then I would have been an abortion. I am fine with this because I know how my mother’s life was changed by my birth. I also know how I was treated growing up had a lot to do with being rather than being chosen. Since I was a fetus, I wouldn’t have known anything to regret. I’m fine with this. My life in this world hasn’t been any landmark for history.
I don’t like it, but it is not my choice.
I believe in pro-choice for one reason because desperate women are going to get them regardless if they are legal so why loose 2 lives over that. I personally could never have one unless something was seriously wrong with the baby.
With so many options available why would anyone in their right mind want to put their body through repeat abortions for one thing. This is not to mention the stuff having an abortion does to the person mentally, I can’t imagine someone wanting to just do that instead of prevention of pregnancy. I personally have never had an abortion but its just not a good option as a form of birth control,
Another thing put her on the shot or IUD or implant something that can work better for her if she is sleeping around. Very sad question!
You say it’s not flame bait, but what exactly are you trying to get at here?
It would never have been my personal choice, but I do not judge others for their choice. Obviously, there are healthier, safer methods of birth control than abortion. Unfortunately those options are not as readily available to all women in all areas.
Do I support (ethically) a girl using first-trimester abortions as a form of birth control? No.
But I’m not her, so I have say squat to say about that choice. What does this “girl” have to do with me, who am I to tell her what to do with her own body? I’m pro choice, but that doesn’t mean I pro abortion. I don’t have to morally approve of ever single abortion out there just because I think that a woman has the right to decide for herself. I don’t support abortion, I support the right to have one and the right to make a choice. I know several people who have had abortions and they hated doing it. It’s no ice cream sunday. The women who have to go through such ordeals to conceive or to not conceive have the damn god right to do what they please with their own bodies. Just sayin’.
I couldn’t imagine what it would be like to have a period every month, let alone having another life inside of me for months on end. Women can fucking do what they want with their “gift” of life. They have every right to choose, and I support that.
”If it ain’t my fetus I ain’t got nothing to say about it.”- Said the Seahorse.
[everephebe hands out chocolate, lurve and love to all the ladies in the thread. Y’all are wonderful, all you lovely ladies. Cheers xoxoxo]
Not really, because it’s stupid. There are far easier, more efficient, and less costly ways to deal with birth control.
Well, is she someone in Russia? Back when my mom could make babies, the men didn’t like condoms so pro-choice or not, the women used abortion as a form of birth control. My mother had 15 abortions, I was going to be one. It was so routine, no one blinked an eye. So it’s rather cultural, isn’t it? If a woman doesn’t get a proper education (rather than saying she lacks foresight) about what her options are or that her option includes demanding that he use protection every time regardless of his views on the matter, I am not going to have an issue with her choices, ethically. I wouldn’t use abortion as birth control ‘cause I can just use birth control but I’m privileged, I’m in touch with myself and with where to go, etc.
Aww, @Neizvestnaya, you’ve touched my life just sharing your stories. I’m glad you are here.
If the unborn baby is still a zygote or blastocyst then sure, why not? As soon as sentiency arrives then I’m a bit uncomfortable with using abortion as a means of casual birth control. Once the kid’s out and hits the teenage years then all bets are off again. Abort away!
No I do not support it as birth control. A girl has to take the responsibility to prevent pregnancy with contraceptives if she doesn’t want to stop having sex. If she still gets pregnant than sure, go ahead and have an abortion. However, if the girl is not using contraceptives and uses abortion as birth control, I think that is pretty ridiculous. She should be using the morning after pill too if she is not going to be responsible.
Or you know she can try the fool proof birth control. Take a piece of paper, put it on the inside of your knee and hold it there with your other knee. 100% pregnancy prevention right there. :P
That said, it really isn’t my business what people do, it’s just my personal opinion.
Congrats, you actually got more than 20 responses without it disintegrating in into some emotion driven opinionfest.
To me there is no ethical issue here, so of course I support a woman wanting an abortion if they don’t want the baby. I would discourage her from doing it in the future as @augustlan said there are far safer (and cheaper) means of birth control.
Abortion should be reserved for those situations that merit serious contemplation, to use it as a method of birth control is beyond ugly, it is lazy, ignorant and pathetic.
@Nullo: “Pro-choice jellies: Do you support (ethically) a girl using first-trimester abortions as a form of birth control?”
Ethically? Sorry, there is just an inherent need to demonstrate that there are ethical issues here to work out.
What if I ask, “Do you support (ethically) a woman using the stairs as a form of getting to her 4th-floor office”, I’d expect to be ridiculed just a bit – or at least be called upon to provide an explanation of why one might expect this to be an ethical issue at all.
Do I think it’s the best type of birth control available? Hell no! Why? Because there are less-invasive and safer methods that will both protect her pregnancy and reduce her chances of getting an STD.
Do I support her right to make up her own mind about what she feels is the best option for her? Yes.
@bkcunningham: Thank you. I’m ok sharing even if it’s not my ideal or the collective ideal because it’s still real stuff that happens to people.
In the vein of what @Simone_De_Beauvoir wrote about women in Russia (I’m sure there are other countries too), I personally have known several former Russian women who were given abortions as if it was just another medical procedure. The stigma had been removed about “every seed is sacred”. Those whose families looked down on birth control because they wanted lots of kids got abortions, often on the sly in a kind of self preservation, to not be reduced to a baby factory.
It is her choice, not mine. Regardless of how I feel about her decision I would fight for her right to have that abortion if she felt it was the best decision at the time. I will say that I believe abortion should be a last resort and not a reason to not bother with a condom during sex but, whilst there may be a minority of women that do use abortion as birth control, I would put money on it that the large majority of people would not put themselves through something as traumatic as an abortion if they didn’t feel that it was their only really option.
@Simone_De_Beauvoir I love your answer btw. We need to remember when answering questions like these that not everyone is in the same boat, everyone’s situations are going to be different and because of that we must realise that certain things in life will never be simply black or white.
@Hypocrisy_Central WOW! You took my avatar and edited it. I don’t know how I feel about that.
Actually no. The avatar is not your avatar. It was an original creation make in an hour, by hand, with some Staedtler Marsmatic tech pens, a Sharpie, a ballpoint pen, and some Prismacolors. I didn’t think it came out nowhere close to being mistaken as a doctored original, I do not know what to make of that. If it creeps you out, say “be gone” and to the “corn field” it goes.
I thought it was an embryonic stem cell cloned eyeball.
@Blondesjon TY, figured just us opld dogs would catch that. :-)
@Hypocrisy_Central Okay, well it is my picture. If someone took your picture, re-drew it and made it their avatar, how would you like them essentially having a picture of you on their profile? I actually am a little creeped out, but whatever, I guess…
I would probably be flabbergasted that someone even thought to use my ugly mug for anything. But, it is in the “corn field” now, creep out over. :-)
@Hypocrisy_Central I’ll admit I was very surprised when I first saw it, sort of in a good way. Anyways, thanks for being so cool about the whole situation.
I am pro choice. I don’t think that abortion should be used as a form of birth control, but I do understand that sometimes it is. It can do detrimental things to a woman’s body, but for whatever reason, if she gets one, she makes that choice.
It’s not my body. I can’t become pregnant, so I don’t have any “ethical choice” regarding abortion. No person can have an “ethical choice” in what another person does in this regard. In fact, going further, I think that it would be un-ethical for me – or anyone else – to attempt to force her either way. That is, to force her to have or not-have an abortion would be unethical.
That said, I also don’t agree with paying for others’ abortions – or to raise their children, either. That’s a place where I could have an ethical choice, if it were permitted.
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