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lillycoyote's avatar

Anyone in the Mid-Atlantic feel that earthquake about 15 minutes ago?

Asked by lillycoyote (24875points) August 23rd, 2011

Here’a a linkg to the USGS information on it.

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22 Answers

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I didn’t feel it, but supposedly everyone else in my area did. My husband was outside and he felt nothing. I was inside, and I felt nothing… but the local news is blowing up about it “shaking” our area.

blueiiznh's avatar

I felt it here North of Boston.

About 10 seconds long. Felt the building sway and knew it was an earthquake event.

lillycoyote's avatar

Somebody already asked a question about this but I didn’t see it. North of Boston, wow @blueiiznh I was outside and felt the ground shake. It sure felt like and earthquake but I thought that’s just crazy, we don’t get earthquakes here in Delaware but that’s what it was alright.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

We had a similar quake about 1984. It woke me up in the morning. That was kind of freaky.

linguaphile's avatar

I have never heard of earthquakes on the eastern seaboard… I’m in shock. Almost all my close friends are there… :-/

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@linguaphile There’s fault lines all over the East. There was a 4.5 quake in the Adirondacks four or five years ago that did a lot of damage.

blueiiznh's avatar

A friend in DC stated that the alarms went off in the Pentagon and they evacuated the Capital.
All in a day I suppose.

marinelife's avatar

I felt it quite a bit here in Maryland. The apartment building was swaying pretty heavily. I was about to ask my husband if we should evacuate (brick building) when it subsided.

It was a 5.9 centered 4 miles SSE of Louisa VA.

linguaphile's avatar

My university’s in DC—I texted some friends. They’re all on the football field and still there waiting for the aftershocks.

blueiiznh's avatar

Some cows were tipped as a result of it here in New Hampshire.

bkcunningham's avatar

All the cell towers are out in the area southeast of Baltimore. My friends and family in the Baltimore, MD, and Virginia area felt extreme shaking.

JilltheTooth's avatar

@blueiiznh : Damn, you felt it where you are? I’m in SW CT and I didn’t feel it. Maybe I’m just oblivious…

Just remembered, Zuppy was running in circles and barking. I’ll bet that was it. Now I’m sorry I yelled at him… :-/

jrpowell's avatar

5.9 doesn’t even wake me up.

blueiiznh's avatar

@JilltheTooth Southern NH. When it first started I thought it was a result of the lunch I had. It’s pretty quiet here in the “Live Free or Die” State, so that may be why I noticed.

augustlan's avatar

I slept through it, but my husband said he thought the house was going to fall down.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

All family members and most of my friends live in the DC – Richmond, Va. area. The Facebook posts are going crazy. Several reports are of houses shaking, dishes rattling on the shelves, ceiling lights swinging, people getting awakened from a nap, and no cell phone coverage. One friend who works in the DC area for NASA posted that they called a Code Red and let them go home.

@johnpowell Yeah, one guy from the LA area commented, “Aww, 5.8, a ‘love tap’ for LA but bet it felt scary in DC glad you all are ok”

Unclepepsi's avatar

My fiance felt it here in Maryland, but I was taking a nap so I missed it.

erichw1504's avatar

I live 45 miles from the epicenter, but I was in my car driving and didn’t feel a thing!

Dutchess_III's avatar

No but…no. I’m in Kansas. That’s not near the Mid-Atlantic, is it.

lillycoyote's avatar

@Dutchess_III Well, it turned out not to be confined to the Mid-Atlantic, as we now know but when I asked the question it was only about 15 minutes after it happened. We don’t feel your tornadoes either. :-)

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

A friend on Facebook posted, “That wasn’t an earthquake. It was the nation’s founding fathers rolling over in their graves.”

lillycoyote's avatar

@Pied_Pfeffer lol. Your friend may have that right.

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