• Sweathogs – Welcome Back Kotter. Loved watching. My whole family watched together.
• Slide rule – math. I don’t think I have ever used one and I was a math person.
• TV sign off – Late at night when the station basically goes quiet.
• Rabbit ears – tv antenna, usually used to refer to an indoor antenna.
• PC – personal computer or politically correct.
• Summer of Love – Free love, flower children, hippies. Late 60’s I think.
• Beepers – no idea
• Woodstock – Rock concert that lasted a few days when drugs and free love were very popular. The concert took pace in Woodstock, NY, hence the name. 1969.
• Banker’s hours 10–4 (at the most 9–4. I actually think my bank from childhood was 9–3).
• Cloud – fluffy white thing up in the sky?
• “Dynomite!” – Good Times and JJ
• Muscle cars – American cars with loud engines owned by men who are typically blue collar
• Blue Chip trading stamps – I think it was like stocks, but there was some sort of court action for the trading not being above board or something?
• Streaming video – online video
I guess I am Gen X. I was born in the late 60’s. I am certainly not the Pepsi generation whatever that is, my mom would have a heart attack. She did not allow any Pepsi in the house and we could not go to Burger King when I was a kid bevause they had a Pepsi contract. She did however still speak to my husband when he worked for Pepsi for a few years.