Meta Question

XOIIO's avatar

Just Sooz' Yah Knooz' chat related.

Asked by XOIIO (18360points) August 23rd, 2011

Just so all of you know, since our chat rooms are fairly empty, every night I’ll be posting a GIF when its dead, its usually around midnight or when I remeber to do it, sometimes a creepy/scary one like tonight, a lot of doctor who themed ones, and misc funny ones, a lot of them will be made by me. Check it out if you’ve got the time.

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5 Answers

Hibernate's avatar

Too bad the messages disappear after a while or when people idle to much and the server kicks them, you end up seeing only those messages. It’s filled with joining and leaving.

XOIIO's avatar

@Hibernate Yeah, but I post it on each room, so rooms that are usually empy jsut have the gifs and me leaving

Hibernate's avatar

Oh thanks. I was able to see it ^^

Allie's avatar

Except now everyone is going to be checking the “empty” rooms too and they too will be full of entering and leaving.
It’s a vicious cycle I tell you. Vicious.

XOIIO's avatar

@Allie But, if they stay in the main room, they can all see the image as I post it they jsut gotta chat around until I make one.

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