Tender inner eye - no doctor til Friday; pink eye?
Asked by
janbb (
August 24th, 2011
My inner eye – the part closest to the nose – and under the lid is tender. It doesn’t look particularly pink but it is slightly inflamed. Is it possibly pink eye or conjunctivitus? What to do until Friday? Compresses?
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7 Answers
I’m a big fan of the hot, but not too hot of course, compress. That’s what I’d do and maybe an over the counter eye wash. It could really just be a minor irritation, not necessarily an infection but see your doctor Friday.
Yeah – it might just be a pimple or something. Thanks – will try the compress.
Massive dose of vit C and really warm compresses. Keep the eye moist and covered…a natural tear eye drop will help lube and reduce irritation. Pink eye is no fun.
Warm compresses really work. Also, try not to rub or scratch the eye.
If your eye is very stuck together in the morning when you wake, then pink eye. Which is very very contagious by the way, so be careful with the grandkids. Otherwise I think blocked tear duct or sty. Warm compresses for the duct or sty. Antibiotic ointment or drops if pink eye.
My first guess would be that it’s a stye. Treat it like pinkeye, if you’re worried about it; the more obvious symptoms ought to manifest before long. Also, watch for excessive crusting.
Walgreens has been putting clinics into their locations, staffed with an NP who can diagnose and prescribe for some of the more common ailments. I took my last case of pinkeye to one of these, and it worked out pretty well. I think it’s sixty bucks if they don’t like your insurance. The one in my area is open during standard business hours.
Compresses are nice, good advice above. Could it be the start of a stye? If it feels like there is sand in your eye or you wake up all crusty, then lean more toward pinkeye.
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