Social Question

Aethelflaed's avatar

Next Sunday - when is that?

Asked by Aethelflaed (13760points) August 24th, 2011

Is that August 28th, or September 4th?

I often get confused by the (possible, we’ll see, hence the question) difference between “this next” and “this coming” day of the week.

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9 Answers

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I always think of it as the following.. so in my mind it would be September 4th.


Great question! Yeah, I always wonder what people actually mean when they say “We should go out to dinner next Tuesday”, and today’s Sunday, for example. Do they mean the Tuesday in two days, or the following Tuesday in 9 days? Agggh.

My guess is that the person means the Tuesday of next week, not this week, but technically the “next” Tuesday is the one in 2 days! Sigh…

Same thing when someone says “We went to the park last Sunday” and today’s Tuesday. Do they mean the Sunday 2 days ago, or the Sunday 9 days ago?! Egads.

I usually like to say “We went to the park on Sunday.” or “We went to the park just this past Sunday.”

And “We should go to dinner next Tuesday, not this Tuesday, but the next Tuesday”.


dappled_leaves's avatar

Since the person you’re talking to will invariably use a different definition, I find it simpler to specify “this Sunday coming” or “the Sunday after this one”. Usually if I don’t attempt to clarify, the listener will – since they can’t guess which one I mean either. You would think we’d come up with a definitive way to refer to these times that come up so often in conversation, but alas…

Aethelflaed's avatar

@MRSHINYSHOES EXACTLY!! It’s like you read my mind!

downtide's avatar

I usually assume the one that’s coming up next, in less than a week but if I’m arranging something with someone else, I’ll clarify it with them as to the exact date.

augustlan's avatar

To me, “next Sunday” means the very next Sunday. So, August 28th. September 4th would be “the Sunday after next”.

Edit: My ex and I used to squabble about this all the time. In truth, no one agrees, so we all have to clarify. It’s aggravating, huh?

thebluewaffle's avatar

It’s not this sunday coming…it’s the next one.

I know there’s a bank holiday in there somewhere…

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

…it is so bizarre to me that it could mean the upcoming Sunday to some people. It doesn’t make sense in my mind whatsoever.

ucme's avatar

The Sunday after this one, err…...I know what I mean anyway.

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