Meta Question

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

What's a question you seriously never expect to see on Fluther?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37809points) August 25th, 2011

All topics are game. What can you simply not imagine on Fluther?

I doubt I would ever see: Can I tell you how simple it is to do repairs on the rear end differential of a 1977 Chevy Monte Carlo?

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94 Answers

augustlan's avatar

How is babby formed?

Brian1946's avatar

Now that Answerbag is so much better than it was before 12/9/09, WTF are you still here?!

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@augustlan : I nearly peed my pants!

XOIIO's avatar

My boyfriend and his two other friends and I had an orgy, and everyone finished in my without protection. Could I get pregnant?

FutureMemory's avatar

I just had sex with a blow up doll, and although at the time it was great, I now feel incredibly guilty – should I confess to my girlfriend? Also, is there a chance I caught a disease from the doll??

rebbel's avatar

I am bi, my pussycat is bi.
Why are some people so opposed to us sexing?

Cruiser's avatar

My meatloaf was a hit, should I freeze these leftovers?

It’s my fiance’s birthday….what should I get him?

ucme's avatar

Okay, hands up everyone who can’t stand that bitch @augustlan !?!
Please god let her get the irony in the joke…..please ;¬}

XOIIO's avatar

*raises hand

ucme's avatar

^^ Flog that heathen so that they repent their wicked ways!! ^^

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Does he like me.

Bill_Lumbergh's avatar

What is this on the inside of my anus? (DO NOT look at the link if you have just eaten)

Bill_Lumbergh's avatar

^^(Just to be clear, this is not an actual picture of my anus!)^^

the100thmonkey's avatar

I would also suggest that NO ONE should click that link if they’re eating.

Hibernate's avatar

Something that goes like this ” Has anyone been suffering from wetting their beds even if they are not drunk, they have no other problems [relative healthy] and yet they regularly wet the bed?”.

I’ma just laugh if I will find one like this.

Hibernate's avatar

@the100thmonkey it all depends on your stomach really. Some just throw up when thinking while others when smelling something bad [there’s the category for seeing bad pictures/movies too… you know, 2 girls a cup etc].

_zen_'s avatar

What is this thing in my nose that feels like a vagina?

ucme's avatar

For those with a working internet connection, how do I get one?

Hibernate's avatar

@ucme LOL. But okay .. he can ask this question from an iphone or another friends pc.

Still the question is awesome.

ucme's avatar

@Hibernate Yeah, I kinda had that one covered. In the sense that some smart arse…...well meaning jelly would indeed point that out ;¬}

XOIIO's avatar

@the100thmonkey Goatse is worse.

Google images that, kiddies!

erichw1504's avatar

Are you on Friendster? If so, what do you like about it?

SpatzieLover's avatar

Why am I pooping green water? I ate beets how long will my pee be pink? etc. <shakes head>

erichw1504's avatar

What do you call male ballerinas?

Bill_Lumbergh's avatar

@Hibernate – just to put things in perspective, I threw up mutiple times while viewing the infamous “2 girls 1 cup” video, so much I could not click the mouse to turn it off!! (not to mention I did not eat oatmeal, chocolate ice cream, or choclaote moose for years after that)
Oh, god I think I’m going to ralph right now just thinking about it!!

erichw1504's avatar

What do you guys think of the “2 Girls, 1 Cup” video?

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@WillworkforChocolate. Where the hell did you find the pussy?

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe hehehehehe

Should I tell my girlfriend that I’ve been whacking off to re-runs of Gomer Pyle?

ddude1116's avatar

What is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow..?

wilma's avatar

How many Flutherers think George Bush was the best president ever?

Keep_on_running's avatar

What’s your favorite method of boiling an egg?

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@Keep_on_running At this point? Just stick it in a bowl on my driveway. It’ll be done in two minutes.

bkcunningham's avatar

I have been a liberal, bisexuel, atheist all of my life. Last night I attended church with my lovers. Something about the sermon caused a change inside of me. I went to the altar and got saved. I am no longer a liberal or an atheist. I have no attraction to same sex partners, or in sex before marriage. Has anyone on Fluther ever experienced this?

Kardamom's avatar

I can’t imagine every reading a question by any of you fellows that reads as follows:

Does my butt look big in these pants?

At least I guess they’re pants ; – }

Berserker's avatar

Well, unless I’m the one asking it…What zombie movie is guilty of conceptual anomaly?

Yeah I mean like, how do all those zombies follow zombified Flyboy when he leads them to Peter and Fran in Dawn of the Dead? I’m not even talking about how a zombie would know anything beyond what to eat, without getting trained like Bub was. I mean, why do they all of a sudden have a collective understanding and just follow some other zombie, when they never did before? That doesn’t happen!


woodcutter's avatar

Uh, how can I make my dog fart?

Blondesjon's avatar

Can I vote Republican for the first time while being converted to Christianity?

talljasperman's avatar

Will you vote for Suzie Orman or Oprah for President in 2016?

_zen_'s avatar

Can my dog and cat have babies together if it’s a little dog that looks a bit like a cat, and my cat is very masculine like?

FutureMemory's avatar

Good one, zen :P

rooeytoo's avatar

(holy cow, I’m still back on @Kardamom‘s link! Did you look at the origin site for that pic? Some of that stuff looked like it must hurt!)

PhiNotPi's avatar

I have been unable to log on to Fluther because the “log in” button has been replaced with the words “my account”. Can anyone please help?

_zen_'s avatar

You are here now.

erichw1504's avatar

What do you think of the new Nickleback album?

FutureMemory's avatar

@rooeytoo You should have warned me…

Kardamom's avatar

@rooeytoo I only looked at the picture, itself. I’m afraid to go back there and look at the rest of the site. Yikes!

ratboy's avatar

I am 6’ 7” tall and weigh 250 pounds. Why is my penis so tiny?

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

What does “pearl necklace” mean and where can I get one?

erichw1504's avatar

What are rocky mountain oysters and where can I find some? They sound delicious.

Kardamom's avatar

If my friend had a dream in which she was in (meaning she was in her own dream) does that mean that she’s gay for herself? And if so, will I, I mean she burn in hell for that? And oh yeah, if I rode a horse yesterday, and I still a Version?

Blueroses's avatar

Why doesn’t Walmart carry that Facebook program? Where is everybody buying it?

erichw1504's avatar

I lost my Facebook, can someone help me find it?

Kardamom's avatar

What’s the difference between the Facebook Spaces and the Internets? Can everybody see me if I go on there? I don’t want my boyfriend to see me on there, because my daughter will get very upset to know that I’m dating her ex-husband. But it’s OK, because we are soooooooo in love even though he accidentally knocked me down the stairs, but I forgave him. Do you think my son will forgive me when I explain to him that we’re going to get married even though he claims that Ray, my boyfriend, touched him inappropriately? My son is always making up stuff like that just to get back at me for not getting him circumscribed like all of the other kids in his class.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Have you ever been circumscribed?

Kardamom's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe Not sure, that would be circumspect on my part.

PhiNotPi's avatar

What time is it?

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

“Did you know I just found poor janets in the frizzer?”

erichw1504's avatar

What is this site called?

FutureMemory's avatar

What is the list of Music videos for 2004? I only want the nice people to answer this question.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

You know… I think we should actually ask some of these questions, just for the giggles and silly responses! :P

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate : The one about dogs and cats was already asked and yanked almost as quickly as it appeared.

bkcunningham's avatar

It took about three minutes for it to be yanked. But it was funny to me. I actually got answers!

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

That’s hilarious! I’m sorry it got yanked.

erichw1504's avatar

Why is my keyboard not working at all?

XOIIO's avatar


WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

[NSFW] Why is all my hair down there falling out?
Do I have cancer?

Kardamom's avatar

[NSFW] How come in the Americans you people do not use the butt-whore washers like the Europeans countries does?

erichw1504's avatar

[NSFW] What do you guys think of my porn site (link inside)?

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@Kardamom Ohmygod…. is that….. cake?

Kardamom's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate LOL! Don’t wait up : )

erichw1504's avatar

[NSFW] Does this look infected (pic inside)?

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@Kardamom and @bkcunningham I really love him, he makes me laugh so hard!!

erichw1504's avatar

[NSFW] I made my own goatse picture, what do you think (pic inside)?

erichw1504's avatar

[NSFW] Can a zombie be sexually active?

Berserker's avatar

Don’t get me started…XD

Kardamom's avatar

So the question would be: Would @Symbeline actually have sex with a zombie if given the chance?

Berserker's avatar

No way lol. That’s not what I meant. I was gonna give some big ass answer about whether or not zombies can be sexually active.
Or just make some joke about rigor mortis.

erichw1504's avatar

Am I a Replicant?

bkcunningham's avatar

@erichw1504, that is what I thought too.

erichw1504's avatar

Have you ever duckfaced?

Berserker's avatar

Where’s mah poong tang?

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

“Why the fuck did my question about hugging everyone get deleted?”

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

It did, lol, but I’m not seriously mad. I’m curious to know why, but not mad. I just posted that comment to make a joke about it in my “typical” bitchy fashion. =0)

Berserker's avatar

Hey it is gone…the sack? I’m curious to know why too, especially since it stayed up all that time, and then outta buttfuck nowhere…

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Meh, I dunno! I was gone for hours, so I have no idea when it got the boot. Oh well, at least I got to hug a few people before it died, right? =0)

Berserker's avatar

Yeah, that’s what’s important. :)

But I mean you got no notice or nothing? When a question gets pulled, the author usually does get notified. I think lol.

But wtv. Question booting won’t stop all the hugging! ’‘assaults everyone in here with attack hugs’’

Kardamom's avatar

@Symbeline I used to have an Aunt that lived in Buttfuck Nowhere. It’s in Idaho.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@Symbeline Yeah, I like to PM people with random “drive-by” huggings, lol.

Dutchess_III's avatar

O God! I will never go lurking about in @augustlan account again! This is what it got me! Next time, maybe shell just run!! She’s after me with her whip, you see. Just tryin’ to know the enemy’s moves in advance! So far….not good. : [

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