I would love to find this bracelet (may be a crapshoot asking, but) could you help me?
Asked by
Jude (
August 25th, 2011
This one.
Perhaps, it could be online???
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18 Answers
This thread made me laugh. The Google-Fu is strong in @SpatzieLover.
I am a self-taught Internet whiz. Pure luck, really. I had an idea of it being a certain price point and searched my two fav locales: Ebay & Amazon.
Now you know that you like James Avery silver. :)
@asmonet Poor @SpatzieLover is confuzzled by Google. It gave my laptop a virus the last time I used it…now I only Yahoo and go to places I prefer :)
@SpatzieLover: Aw, don’t blame Google! A disreputable website gave you a virus, not my precious search engine. :)
@Jude: It’s $90 new on his site, I’d snatch up that eBay listing and polish it like a mofo. :D
@asmonet My girl just offered to buy it for me. She’s going to bid on it. :)
worryingly I didn’t notice the bracelet in the photo at all as I was too busy staring at the chocolate bar
If you feel comfortable sending me your info, I could mail a few to you. :) Ask jonsblond, I’m not some psycho-freak.
Why does everyone have better candy than us? :\
@Jude That’s an incredibly knid offer and I’m pretty sure you’re not some psycho-freak but I’m not sure it’s worth the effort of posting a chocolate bar halfway round the world. But thanks, I really appreciate the offer.
@ANef_is_Enuf Well take Hershey’s. They make chocolate form soured milk! They take fresh milk, let it go off on puropse and then try and make something sweet from it. How’s that ever going to work?
@Lightlyseared =) I sent a bunch to the U.K., last year. I also sent some to a friend in California. They’re very good. :)
I was like, Coffee!! Candy!! Um…what bracelet? It’s pretty, I hope you get it!
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