If you could dis-invent one thing, what would it be?
Imagine if _____ hadn’t have been invented, wouldn’t the world be a better place? Or at the very least, you’d be a happier person…
If you could wipe anything straight from existence, what would it be?
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75 Answers
Atomic Fireballs. They are addictive.
Twizzle sticks
Extending dog leashes
The 40+ hour work week. I don’t believe anyone should work more than a 6 hour day.
Our work ethic obsession is waaay overdone.
some people just don’t know when enough is enough
@Coloma All my research points the fact that we’re adapted to work about 2 hours a day, 4 if you count household chores like cleaning, clothes repair, etc. :)
I would disinvent cigarettes. And I’m a smoker.
Telephone poles, or any of those objects that carry cables above ground.
Another vote for cigarettes.
The predatory lust that results in mentally weak bastards taking advantage of a child.
@erichw1504 Lol, beat you to it ;) seems there is a lot of hatred out there for the shake weight, kinda feel sorry for it now.
Clowns. They’re meant to be funny and cute, but they scare the he*l out of little kids, and adults still have nightmares about them.
And when you’re down here Georgie…. YOU’ll FLOAT TOOOOOOOOOO
Cluster bombs, nuclear weapons and the internal combustion engine.
Twitter ( I mean what the f*%#k? More useless chatter? )
Auto-tune and other “instruments” which gave us shitty music
Any and all abortion apparatus, regardless of method.
@King_Pariah Wood was always better, second to that, plastic. I can live without wire hangers, but I was speaking of apparatuses that were actually created and manufactured for the disgusting deed, not improvised. Surely anyone wanting to take the easy way out will figure out a way to do it.
Cigarettes are well represented so fast food.
Phone answering menus.
“For English, Press 1”
I wish there was a hot key to just talk to a real person.
@Christian95 Hide and Seek will always be my favorite tune of hers because of a personal meaning it has for me. The thing about it is, though, that she used auto-tune for artistic effect, not to disguise bad singing like many other artists did. That song would not be the same without it. That’s why I don’t think that auto-tune is universally bad.
I second disinventing cigarettes and guns and add tattoos. Mostly because I’m just being ornery.
@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard and @Kardamom
Yall know that Pennywise is just a child, right? There’s more like it out there, and even more powerful, or so is said in the book. (It actually has parents)
@Symbeline I’m pretty well acquainted with King’s mythos… his macroverse. I’ve spent many hours reading about it on teh wiki. ;D
Yeah, but ever read any of his books? XD
Yeah man, just messing around. :) We talked about the novel before, as I recall. :)
Well at least I think we did? Eh wtv. That turtle. Awesome, right? :)
Yeah, how the Turtle is a neutral/good entity that creates worlds and IT is a chaotic/evil entity and both of them were created by a larger, more powerful force that is basically God? Yep.
I thought that he seemed stereotypically good, just really old and tired by then. When he’s all like, yeah, I can’t really help you guys lol.
@Sunny2 Nooooooo!!!!!! I agree to get rid of cigarettes and guns, but please don’t get rid of my tattoos!!! =0)
I would disinvent slash and burning of rain forests, subprime loans, corporates like Enron, Bears Stern etc. and most of all I would disinvent eugenics.
I think I might add gas powered leaf blowers to my list.
And low rise jeans (they even make skinny anorexic supermodels look chubby)
And Happy Meals
@WillWorkForChocolate Okay. But if I disinvent them, you’ll be the only one with tattoos. You could make a fortunes. I guess that would be good. But you’d have to explain the pictures that appear on your body.
@Kardamom Or MacDick’s as a whole. What a festering wound pon’ our already festering society. :D
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