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john65pennington's avatar

Spontaneous Human Combustion: myth or reality?

Asked by john65pennington (29278points) August 26th, 2011

I have not heard of a modern day case of spontaneous human combustion. I can understand SC as it occurs in silos and such, but not having a current case of SC, leads me to believe that these cases were a myth, instead of reality in human burning cases. Today’s modern forensics would surely discount a human body burning from the inside, without any reasonable explanation. Question: since no modern day cases of SC have occured in humans, does this lead you to believe that earlier reported cases were just a myth or are the facts still unknown?

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9 Answers

rebbel's avatar

I think it is a load of crap, this whole spontaneous human co….......WHOOOSHHHHH…...

ucme's avatar

Curry for dinner, fart & a blow torch!! Kaboom!!

gasman's avatar

Myth. Most cases of partly-burned corpses involve the so-called wick effect.

wilma's avatar

I can personally attest to the fact that I have felt like I was experiencing spontaneous combustion many times.
Some people call it having a hot flash.

flutherother's avatar

This is the best explanation I have seen.

Blueroses's avatar

Something that only happens to Spinal Tap drummers.

gasman's avatar

I uncovered another article: Spontaneous Human Combustion. Thoughts of a Forensic Biologist, published in Skeptical Inquirer, 1998 (not for the squeamish).

Quick excerpt: In forensic practice, there are no known cases in which internal organs of a burned corpse were damaged more severely than the outer parts (see Figure 6). This practical observation is further proof that combustion never starts from inside a human body.

flutherother's avatar

There was a report today of a case of spontaneous combustion in Ireland.

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