Change your attitude towards these people and it will do you a world of good.
I used to be very shy and didn’t really like having conversations with strangers, but then I noticed that one of my best friends was always chatting people up in the store, at the bus stop, anywhere really. She shows genuine interest (whether she’s faking it or not, I don’t know and it doesn’t matter) and it brightens the day of people who would otherwise find that lots of people will simply get angry, annoyed or bored and walk away or tell them to shut up. Older people tend to have a very different conversational style than younger people. They were born into a time when there wasn’t all of this instant gratification, like with cell phones and texting etc. So they learned to converse which seems to be something of a lost art.
Most older people that talk a lot and repeat themselves, also have some degree of memory loss and are not always aware of the fact that they’ve told the same story countless times. If you live long enough, you will find yourself in that same situation one day. So I have learned, by watching my friend’s example of how to engage a conversation rather than just listening to someone blather on. I ask questions, I ask follow up questions, I give examples from my own life, I ask the older folks to explain things to me, like how to make a bundt cake, or where did you meet your spouse, or how did you end up in the military (were you drafted or did you join?) how long have you lived her and where did you live before.
If you really do need to leave, because you have an appointment, say something like, “Marge, I’m really enjoying this conversation, but I have to go to my class right now, but I’d really love to continue this when I see you next time. In the meantime, try to remember that recipe for apple streudel and I’ll write it down when I see you the next time.” Then give her a little peck on the cheek or a squeeze of the hand and then just go. You don’t need to be rude or hurt their feelings. Leave them with a sense that you are truly interested, even if you aren’t. And leave them with a sense that you will definitely be coming back, even if you never do (like if you met them at a bus stop).
So again, I say, change your attitude, change lives for the better, yours and theirs : )