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TrkReznor's avatar

What all can the Nintendo Wii do?

Asked by TrkReznor (704points) August 26th, 2011

I am looking into getting a Wii but I want to know what it can do first. Is the online free? Can it play DVD’s and CD’s? Can it play Gamecube games? Can I use a Gamecube controller on it? Basically, I am just looking to see what I am getting myself into before I spend 100 dollars on it.

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19 Answers

muppetish's avatar

This is as far as I know from using my Wii, but I may not have everything exactly correct.

Internet access is technically free, but you have to be able to connect it to your current Internet connection. The OS is also not the best. It cannot play DVDs or CDs, though apparently there is a way to play .mp3 or .avi files off of an SD card.

It is backwards compatible with Gamecube games, and you HAVE to use a Gamecube controller in order to do so (though if you purchase games originally released on the Gamecube through the Virtual Console, then you I think you can use the classic controller – but I’m not positive.)

Basically, everything you are looking for is in an XBox 360 or Playstation 3 (which are built to be media centers.) The Wii has a few add-ons that are neat, but it is – first and foremost – a video game console. So if you are interesting in purchasing one, I would look through the gaming library to see if there is enough to persuade you.

The reason why I like the Wii is the huge library in the Virtual Console. You can purchase games from the NES through the Gamecube. That’s bloody amazing. There are plenty of Wii games that are worth buying the console for, especially Mario Galaxy and its sequel.

Blueroses's avatar

It does not play CDs or DVDs but the online features are free if you have a wireless network set up already. It does well for streaming Netflix to the TV (requires a Netflix account) and I also like it for playing YouTube videos, but not all websites work properly and navigating with the Wii controller is a real pain in the neck so it won’t replace a computer.

What Wii really does well, is what it was designed for; playing active games. It’s great for sports, dance, simulators and especially MarioKart!

TrkReznor's avatar

The games I am really looking forward to on the Wii is Smash Bros. Brawl, The Metroid Trilogy, Animal Crossing, Pokemon, Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles, Mario Galaxy and Super Paper Mario plus all the Mario Party games. That information helps and I appreciate it dude, I already have a 360 and I looove Nintendo characters and look forward to enjoying my Wii. And yes @Blueroses I have Netflix and a pretty good wirless internet connection but are you telling me I can actually have internet access through the Wii?

muppetish's avatar

@Blueroses I forgot about Netflix! My wireless network doesn’t like my Wii and I haven’t been able to fix it so far. I think it’s because we have a private network that requires a password. Do you know how to get around that?

Of those games, I own: Smash Bros. Brawl, Animal Crossing: City Folk (if your an avid Animal Crossing player, get it – it’s awesome), Mario Galaxy (even the music is amazing), and Super Paper Mario (which is my favourite series and I wish they would release a second one for the Wii before leaving to develop the Wii U.)

You can have Internet access through the Wii, but it’s not that great. If you want to do simple things like check your e-mail or watch YouTube videos, then it’s not too shabby.

TrkReznor's avatar

I am a VERY avid Animal Crossing player, I still play the GC version and I got that when it first came out, I even onw the DS version of Animal Crossing. I wasn’t to sure about the new Paper Mario by looking at it but I have heard good things about it. And all I really plan to do online is e-mail and YouTube. Thanks for the info dude. Oh! I am also escited for the Wii version of Dead Space and the new Metroid game!

Hibernate's avatar

Nintendo WII is a good alternative for doing some exercise at home while you have fun with it. You gotta get the wii sports and resort CD if you buy the console ^^

TrkReznor's avatar

@Hibernate my ex already gave me Wii Sports and I love that one because of the boxing and tennis, I get a hell of a workout.

Blueroses's avatar

@muppetish You reminded me that I had to play with my router and network security settings to enable Netflix on the Wii. The console doesn’t like WPA settings but works well with WEP. Once you enter the WEP security key in the Internet settings screen and confirm the connection, you should have no problems.

Hibernate's avatar

@TrkReznor I know :) And if you really want to start taking it to the next level play with the sword games a bit [the one that lets you advance on the field]. You’ll start with a few moves but later you’ll have to be really quick to be able to finish the stage.

TrkReznor's avatar

Aaah I am so excited. The moment my gf gets back from work, I am getting one. You guys are pumping me all up for this.

Blueroses's avatar

Sports Resort and Outdoor Adventures (comes with a floor pad) are really fun and leave you breathless too. But the universally favorite Wii game is Smooth Moves. It’s active, easy to learn and flat out hilarious!

TrkReznor's avatar

I want all those carnival games lol. and firt person shooting games that make you fee like your in the game. How many of those are there? I know the Metroid trilogy and Resident Evil.

Blackberry's avatar

Things the Xbox and PS3 can do better lol. Just kidding. The wii is great for non-hardcore gamers and families. The Wii really revolutionized gaming for everyone. It’s not just a hobby for young men anymore.

Prosb's avatar

Some people mod their Wiis to play CDs, DVDs and copies of games downloaded from their computer. This also allows them to add extra content to games (Such as Super Smash Bros. Brawl).
From what I have seen, they are also still able to use Netflix.

XOIIO's avatar

Lets see, can a non-gamecube system use a gameube controller?

Can a racecar use a 2 stroke scooter engine?

Seaofclouds's avatar

@XOIIO The Wii can use the Gamecube controller for some games. It just depends on the game.

XOIIO's avatar

@Seaofclouds Still, it seems more like he’s trying to see if he can use his old equipment for all of it. He can’t, unfortunatly

muppetish's avatar

@XOIIO But it was a legitimate question. If a system is going to have backwards compatibility it would only make sense to be able to use the old controller (especially since the Wii Mote is so drastically different from everything else Nintendo has made.

XOIIO's avatar

@muppetish I guess, idk im jus tin a bad mood, the “hacking” page on facebook is jsut full of complete idiots asking the stupidest questions because they dont know how to use google

seriously, one person asked how to use google.


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