Social Question

Do you hang out with people from different socio-economic classes?
I tend to hang out with people from the same socio-economic background as I am. Race matters little. Neither, really, does religion. What matters are the standards and cultural habits of middle class artistic people.
I don’t have any really wealthy friends, nor do I have working class or poor friends—of any race. I might have friends who don’t have a lot of money, but they have the cultural background that I have. They eat the same food I do, like similar kinds of music, do the things I do for fun, have the same values for politeness and all the other little things we never notice because it seems like they’ve been built into us.
Just a little example. I grew up using bathrooms that attained a certain standard of cleanliness and organization. You might call it a three star hotel standard. When I am in houses where the bathrooms are not as clean, I am not very comfortable, and this, somehow, spills over onto the people. I might have no problem talking to them in a neutral setting, but as far as hanging out with them in their home, I’m not so comfortable.
So how do you relate to people from different classes? Do different standards of cleanliness bother you? Are you comfortable hanging out with people who are better off or worse off equally? Do both make you uncomfortable? Do you stick to your own kind, class-wise, or are you class-gregarious?