What is a food that makes you go "eeew gross"!
Asked by
Cruiser (
August 27th, 2011
We all have one or more food items that simply make us gag or do you maybe enjoy a snack that makes other people scream ”gross’!!! What about this culinary oddity that makes you salivate or gag??
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52 Answers
I’ve had to divert my eyes the couple of times I’ve been sitting with someone eating escargot. The thought of eating snails disgusts me. On the other hand, my husband says he would starve to death before he would eat fried chicken livers and onions. They are one of my favorites.
Beef tongue.
Beef tripe.
Chitterlings You won’t catch me anywhere near where they are cooking.
Raw oysters.
Anyone eating those I am gone…….
Squash. <shudders> yuck. And last time I said this on a thread people PMed me to tell me that this or that squash was really OK if I just would try it. People. Really. I’m 57 years old and I know that I do not like squash. Please don’t try to help me by making me gag via PM. I am likely to hunt you down and throw up in your lap.
Last Easter, in Greece, I tasted some bites of Kokoretsi, which consists of goat intestines, often wrapping seasoned offal, including sweetbreads, hearts, lungs and/or kidneys.
I wasn’t thrilled understatement when I heard that we were going to (have to) eat it, but it wasn’t as yukk as I expected it to be, but still (especially the idea of it makes me go) “eeew gross”.
I have eaten Rat, Dog, Sea Slug, Baby Sparrow, and some other wretched looking things, mostly while touring in China. The worst thing I can imagine eating?
Pecan Pie.
Double it’s grossness by adding a glass of Egg Nog.
Anything they serve the contestants on Fear Factor.
@filmfann baby sparrow like an actual baby sparrow? You probably eat that whole I’d imagine? Not enough meat to put on a fork.
Pecan pie?! One of my absolute favorites.
At least the dog was hot LOL
Chinese have a a special treat that they call “aged fish” that is loved by many of my friends and family. It is totally revolting to me even after years of many exposures to it. It has a very powerful rotten smell to me. It is hard to eat dinner whenever aged fish is being served. One time at the end of a meal a suggestion was made that I just taste a small amount of the aged fish. I nearly vomited onto the table with just the thought of it.
Raw oysters. <shudder>
I’ve only had them once because my father-in-law talked me into trying them. I guess he figured if I can eat really rare steak that I would be fine with the oysters. WRONG-O!! I coated the first one with coctail sauce and horseradish and it wasn’t so bad. Well DUH! Strong horseradish would cover up even the taste of fresh poo! He had me try the second one by itself and I almost threw up; it was like eating a ginormous, slimy booger. <gag>
Sauerkraut it smells, it’s nasty, it’s just plain gross
They’re gooey and runny, they come out of a chicken’s vagina, they smell like sulfur…and when they go rotten it’s one of the most disgusting things imaginable. I can eat them in cookies and other baked goods where I won’t notice them, but you’ll never see me eating them for breakfast…
“They come out of a chicken’s vagina.” roflmao
Heheh chicken’s vaginaaaa LOL
All the animals we eat come out of their mommy animal’s vagina :P
@DominicX I feel the same way, it seems weird eating any animal’s egg, but I kind of like the taste of them so I just grin and bare it, it’s the same for milk. Should I drink it? Shouldn’t I? It’s healthy, everyone else does it, then I think but it’s a by-product of their bodies, we don’t eat their faeces or drink their saliva! Yadda yadda yadda..but I end up consuming it anyway. :P
Just to add: Burnt egg omolette is the THE worst smell in the world.
I tried to like it…as it has a lot of normally yummy ingredients. I visited a job-site in remote Mexico and the Korean engineering firm invited me to eat at their mess hall and they offered up Kimchi and it was vile. Maybe it was the heat or the remote location but it looked, smelled and tasted like what was in there was the output of a garbage disposal! Blech!
@Keep_on_running : Just a note, milk is meant to be food for another being, feces and saliva are not.
@JilltheTooth I know, but maybe not for other species? Then again there are other animals and insects that eat poop i.e. dung beetles.
Fish skins, fat, and anything slimy.
anything that comes from McDonalds,
@sarahhhhh baby sparrow like wings spread, feet in the air, and head off to the side. Very little meat.
The entire table of tourists were sickened by it, but most of us ate it.
@Cruiser There are some methods to clean such slimy creature from their ‘slime’, I like escargo and oyster but I’ve never eaten the slimy ones. Wait a minute! Is that mean you’ve prepared a dish for me? How very thoughtful of you to do that! Feel free to send me those ‘slimy’ creatures!.
Fermented stingray, it’s the one Korean dish I cannot stand nor handle.
“Boiled Okra. It’s just nasty.” It could be one of those motivational posters, I think.
@King_Pariah I can’t really eat any Korean or Vietnamese dishes- they all smell like rotten fish to me. The ladies at my nail salon eat this “fish head soup” stuff with some foul smelling “hot sauce” in it. It makes me want to barf. I couldn’t go in there when I was pregnant; I actually did have to run to the bathroom and throw up.
Chicken feet and Escargot. :-/
Pretty much everything that was mentioned above with the exceptions of Pecan Pie, Eggnog and Mayonaise and Squash (especially butternut squash when it’s made into this Thai Curried Butternut Squash Soup with Coconut) which I love.
I have eaten almost every common vegetable, and a few that are considered to be exotic in the US, but I really do not like eggplant in any incarnation except for Baba Ganoush. Other preparations like Eggplant Parmesan and Eggplant Lasagna and grilled eggplant are simply slimy and remind me of biting into a big thick juicy piece of corrugated cardboard.
Unfortunately for me, being a vegetarian, everyone’s idea of having something on the menu for us veggies is usually something involving eggplant. So I’ve slogged through eggplant stew, and eggplant sandwiches and grilled eggplant salad and eggplant “pasta” eggplant “steaks” and eggplant on pizza, and have tried to avoid throwing up, although I actually have thrown up a couple of times. It’s really the only vegetable that I can’t stand. It’s such a shame too, because they’re so pretty.
I’m not thrilled with Okra, but I’ve eaten it flash fried at an African restaurant and it was divine and I’ve also had it pickled and that was pretty good. I just don’t like it made the standard way, where it’s dredged in cornmeal and then fried. It’s crunchy like biting into a beetle and then it’s slimy inside, also like a beetle (I’m guessing).
Mushrooms… And for the life of me I don’t understand why people say they have no taste. Dammit, they do, and it’s absolutely gross (IMHO).:D
They also feel icky in my mouth.
@WillWorkForChocolate personally I love Korean and Vietnamese, guess it comes with being half Asian I suppose…
Butterscotch pudding. It goes back to infant school where just the smell would have me gagging. I don’t know why…
This question is so funny, you guys keep listing things that I love! @Bellatrix my Grandma used to make butterscotch pudding from a boxed mix and it was soooooo good, I can taste it now and wish that I had some! LOL.
The smell @Kardamom. I think it was the smell and even now if I smell that smell… ugh .. makes no sense to me. I am not averse to a bit of pudding! Just not butterscotch.
Actually, can’t stand honey either…love bees… hate honey.
@Bellatrix Now honey, that’s an odd one. I don’t think I’ve ever met anybody who doesn’t like honey.
Again, goes back to when I was a child and my aunt used to make eat it when I had a cough. I don’t have a very sweet tooth. It was too sweet I think.
craving a butterscotch dipped ice cream cone from DQ right about now…... =)
lambs brains
scotch eggs
blood pudding
bread pudding
canrt write anymore I am throwingup
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