Social Question

john65pennington's avatar

Do dogs cuss?

Asked by john65pennington (29278points) August 27th, 2011

I have had my border collie for 12 years. He is very intelligent. I took him outside this morning, to do his business. He normally wants to come back inside, after doing No. 1 and No. 2. It is such a beautiful morning and the temperature is 71 degrees. Perfect weather for my border collie to stay outside, for a while, and to enjoy the breeze and cloudless sky. I finished my cigarette and coffee and proceeded to go back inside, without my border collie. He gave me the strangest look, as if to say, “surely, you do not expect me to stay outside all day!!” As I stepped inside the doorway, I looked back at my border collie and his looks were like cuss words to me. Question: if your dog could talk, were there situations where you could swear your dog was cussing at your?

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8 Answers

snowberry's avatar

One time I was changing a diaper, and as it was only urine, I just tossed it toward the trash can. It hit the dog right on the head. The whole family burst out laughing because of the look she gave me. If only looks could speak we are certain she would have cussed me out!

Jellie's avatar

I was once expecting guests and had to chain my dog because he’s unpredictable around new people. They left after a short while and I completely forgot about my poor dog and it started raining. He had his water bowl and a clean place and ample chain to walk about a bit but no shelter. Thankfully I remembered after five minutes of the rain and ran out to see him sticking to the wall to get as much shelter from the rain as he possibly could. He gave me evils and even refused to let me give him some loving after I unchained him.

Meego's avatar

@snowberry LMAO!
My one dog would surely cuss if he could. More often than not he gives me looks like “screw you lady” or “you’ve got to be joking”. He seems more sensitive or maybe mental though compared to my chocolate lab who never gives me looks, he is part lab and shepherd and he always seems to be in any other state than calm, my choc lab is calm maybe this has something to do with it.

john65pennington's avatar

Morning Meego, good answer,

Meego's avatar

Morning John :) Ty

rooeytoo's avatar

I was bicycling down a rough track in the bush with my dog on the bikejouring rig out in front. She was happily barreling along and I was hanging on for dear life. She spied a roo off on the side and took off. I was yelling, dodging branches, bouncing over fallen trees and she is hell bent on the roo. The only thing to do is lay the bike over and sit on it, that is guaranteed to stop her and save my butt. She came to a screeching halt, after a couple of tumbles when she hit the end of the bungee lead. She turned around and gave me the most astounded and scathing look. I know she was saying something like, “you dumb bitch, that would have made a perfect lunch and fed us for the next couple of days! I amost had it, another couple of k and it was mine!!!”

snowberry's avatar

LOL @rooeytoo! Only a few more k (I assume kilometers?) That is too funny! ROFL!

Meego's avatar

lol @rooeytoo sounds like you could try the walky dog
Or maybe not.

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