What "Film Fann" is our favorite go to guy for all things cinema?
Filmfann has achieved 30K, no mean feat when we all maxed on him a long time ago! The screening starts here and now!
Congrats, FilmFann!
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68 Answers
Oh well done!!! You’re funny as hell and you know your films.
I’m a fan.
NO WAY! I didn’t even notice he was close. Congrats Filmfann. You are absolutely the go to guy on all things movie related. I’m your number one fan. Party time!
And I am always so touched by how sweetly you talk about your wife…
@JilltheTooth I know that’s what I’ve noticed too. It’s really cute.
Congo-Rats, you always have great answers. I always
OOhh! A shiny red ball!!!1!!!
Congratulations! You are an odd jelly, to be sure, but also a sweet, funny and thoughtful jelly. :)
While he is in the trailer having makeup put on, can we have all the Trojans over on set number three. Move out the horses, we are using the putting green beyond the tennis courts to shoot this next shot. All you Jellies who are not drunk yet, see costumes, you will be serving as extras. This a 30k shoot people, lets get moving @filmfann will be out any moment.
Congrats, I always enjoy reading your answers. I guess you could say I’m a fan! :-)
Congratulations, @FilmFann! You are a long-time, unique voice in the collective. You are so deserving of all the lurve!
Beggin’ pardon, had a Sylvester moment. I apologize for spitting on everyone.
“Let the Chaos begin…., mwuahahahaahhhh”
Congratulations @filmfann!
You will always be Butters to me. My favorite South Park character.
Congrats filmfann! =)
Congratulations buddy!
Note, for you I took the time to add buddy.
This just in. I just received a note from filmfann regarding his place in the 30,000 Club. “PLEASE ACCEPT MY RESIGNATION. I DON’T WANT TO BELONG TO ANY CLUB THAT WILL ACCEPT ME AS A MEMBER.” filmfann aka as Groucho Marx
Congratulations!!! I say that we let you run the movie screening room.
Congrats, FilmFann!!!! (hands waving)
Congrats, fan of the film.
Roll film! “Congratulating the Filmann on 30 Grand” take 30….and…..“Action”!!
How beautiful! You couldn’t hide your beauty, it’s already shining from inside your heart!
Does this Blackbeard award make my butt look big?
I want to thank everone for the undeserved kind words. I love this site, and all of you make this the best place to spend my down time.
I am posting this from my wife’s smartphone, which makes it hard to do much more than a general thank you, but I want to say you are all a part of a very wonderful part of my life!
Via con dios!
30Kongratulations. Don’t ever change that avatar, it is part of the furniture in here.
Definitely count me as a fan of yours (even tho my poor eyes initially kept mistakenly reading your SN as “flimflam”) after a movie I like with George C. Scott that I’m sure you’ve seen.
But you’re a funny man, not a flimflam man and I always appreciate your quips. And I think of you fondly whenever I’m watching South Park.
Well, allrighty then, congrats to you for 30K. You deserve it.
You crack me up with some of your remarks here on Fluther, I love your style!
Congrats on the 30K @filmfann !!
Shh! Don’t talk in the theater! @filmfann is trying to enjoy his 30K movie. Let’s let him have his moment.
Yay! Congrats @filmfann. You’re an awesome jelly. :)
Congrats @filmfann. If I’m not mistaken there a congratulatory note on IMDB, too.
ConGoRats @flimflam,....Uh I mean @filmfann!
I STILL misread that every time
Move over, sorry, excuse me, was that your bottom ma’am? Ooops. Sorry I’m just trying to squeeze into the theater to get a good seat.
Thank goodness for stadium seating. The last time I went to a regular I got seated behind some lady who’s hairdo looked like Don King’s and her husband (at least I think it was her husband) was wearing one of those fascinator hats
Anyway, I just want to say congratulations to @filmfan and thank him for inviting us to this lovely soiree. I can’t wait to see what films he’s picked out for us.
I’m hoping that they’ll show Saturday Night Fever and American Hot Wax and Wes Craven’s Summer of Fear or maybe The Hollywood Knights or Doctor Detroit or even This is Spinal Tap If anyone can guess why, they get a free tub of popcorn!
Congratulations Sir!
I say we paddle his bottom 30,000 times.
He wrote this last night when he was ten points away.
Congratulations, @filmfann. You’re a great contributor.
I say to you bend over and assume the position!
Way to go @filmfann, someone should make a film of your fluther life!
Way to go dude, righteous!
* * * Y * A * Y * * * CONGRATULATIONS ! ! ! GOOD WORK ! ! ! * * * Y * A * Y * * *
And the Oscar goes to…..........
none other than @filmfann!!!
30K cheers and congratulations!
Holy crap! The 30K parties just keep coming!! Congrats!!
I also always say flimflam in my head when I read your name.
LOL @wilma I thought I was the only one that see it as flim flam.
You’re certainly not the only one and I daresay you’re not in the minority either. But I think most of us felt that way before we realized how many others shared our initial misreading.
And I always pictured him as looking like his flimflam namesake, George C. Scott :)
So that just reinforced the error in my mind.
Lucky for us he’s a good-natured forgiving type who sees the humor in it as well :)
@Filmfann. We’re Gonna make you a star
You are much more than a pretty face, and I love the way you talk… is so often hilarious. Thank you for your wonderful sense of humour and congratulations on your 30k.
Holy crap! Congratulations!
@filmfann hit 30K?? Are you talkin’ ta me? You are. Well that’s just great news. I’ll tell ya, of all the guys in all the world, you had to come swimming into this lagoon. But ya musta known, there’s a place for us, a time and place for us. What we need fir this here celebration is a nice chianti and some fava beans. But whatever you do, take the gun – leave the cannoli. Or hey, take ‘em both. You deserve it and frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn.
But congratulations @filfann. You deserve it. Just don’t get cocky kid.
Congrats, man. Always love reading your stuff. So, what’s your favourite scary movie? :)
@filmfan Congratulations! You do know that you have responsibilities that go with award don’t you? Since you are the obvious choice for running the movie screening room, I have a complaint. I’ve heard that the popcorn is not up to par. With your new-found authority, I hope you will correct this ASAP. (You have at least 3 years or longer before I get there, sigh.)
@filmfann Righteous, dude! Congratulations! :)
Yep, exactly. That’s the one.
Now that you bring it up, I remember that thread as well as a few other discussion of the why’s and wherefores of various SNs and their meanings and pronounciations and the flimfam man usually makes an appearance :)
Holy cow!! Congrats, man! :)
Congratulations buddy – lurve ya!
FilmFann: How many times have you made me laugh, let me count the ways… no. It is to many. Let me sum up. You deserve every single lurve point you get and in a perfect world, you’d have like 9000 more from me. Good job and great times in the big house, YOU!
Congrats, dude!
I thought you had reached this pinnacle long ago. You are one of my favorites here. So let me give a “hear-hear” to a truly great jelly! And then after patting myself on the back I’ll give you a “hear-hear” as well.
Congrats! I’ve always enjoyed reading your posts. They’ve given me giggles more than twice. :)
Congratulations! Seriously nice work!
WOW! Impressive! Congrats!!!!!!
Congratulations, Filmfann!!—you truly stand out on the red carpet. Where’s the after-party??
Holy mackerel, so many milestones while I’ve been gone! Super congratulations, @filmfann! I always look forward to reading what you have to say :)
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