Social Question

Are conspiracy theorists doing some hardcore networking these days, or am I just crazy?
I’m “friends” with two die-hard conspiracy theorists on facebook. One of whom I attend school with, but have never met, and the other is a friend of a friend of a friend.
From what I gather from my news feed, both of them “friend” several dozen people a day, most of whom have names like “NWOfighter” and “Downwithbildeberger” and other such names. Many of them have “wearechange” tacked on to their normal names, and a huge proportion of them are wearing Guy Fawkes masks in their profile pictures (a costume originally used by “anonymous” of 4chan that seems to have been co-opted by many protesting groups).
The person I go to school with will often post random comments on my facebook wall, statuses, or photos. Things like “how is your food situation?” or “It’s not safe to go out at night.” They post a lot of blogs with random disaster preparedness info in them, as well as vague references to the CDC and not resisting authorities because “they are in the same boat as us.”
Just today, the one I go to school with posted a youtube video on my wall that said something to the extent of “The Government Occupation of America is Ending Soon, are you prepared?” with no explanation. I didn’t watch it and deleted the post.
Obviously, there is some kind of huge networking campaign going on among conspiracy theorists. I’ve tried to understand their beliefs and goals by perusing their profiles, but I have found it to be barely decipherable. They seem to be directing their ire at every political party as well, so I know it’s not strictly a democrat thing, or a republican thing, or a tea party thing. There also seems to be a vaguely spiritualist element to this “movement” as well.
My questions for you guys are as follows:
Do you know anyone who is involved in this phenomena?
What are their beliefs and goals?
Is there any coherency or precedence to this?