What recreational activity do you hate/enjoy your SO doing by themselves or together?
I know that one of my friends’ wives hate when he plays video games or watches a lot of sports. What about ya’ll?
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12 Answers
I don’t hate anything that he does and love everything we do together.
I hate riding bikes together because he goes so much faster than me and I’m huffing and puffing, hot and miserable and trying to keep up. But when I ride my bike at a nice leisurely pace with my friends, it’s a lot of fun. He can do all that high-powered fitness stuff by himself, thanks.
Otherwise, everything is gravy. :)
My husband hates when I Fluther.
We don’t do that. He goes to the plays by himself, because I get bored. I go to the beach by myself or the grandkids, because he would rather stay in our room on his computer. We feel free to enjoy our own activities.
I don’t hate anything he does, including the fact that he spends a ton of time playing video games. Together, we mostly watch movies and eat yummy food, so what’s not to like about that?
@JLeslie My husband wasn’t terribly fond of my fluthering, either, at first. Now that it’s my job, he loves it, naturally! :p
I dislike that we watch so much anime. I think that my voice has been heard a bit more recently as we’re down to one or two episodes of something in an evening. Though that may be because he’s got a new video game to play! I like that he goes hunting by himself. I don’t have the patience to sit still in the woods and be completely quiet for that long.
I don’t hate anything my husband does on his own and definitely not anything we do together. Most of the things that he does alone, we also do together from time to time because we both enjoy those things.
I have Fluther she does her Facebook…we couldn’t be happier!
I get irritated if I know he’s gone shooting with co workers instead of with me, like everyone is having fun without me but we have only a few days off a month together so it can’t be helped.
He’s mildly irritated by the amount of time I fluther during the day. It could be because he’s no idea what we all talk about and has no time to check it out or he might be a tad jealous he and I aren’t able to interact a lot.
I love going for walks with her, even in the rain.
I hate shopping with her.
I love spending time with her at leisure with our young children at our side.
I hate going to social gatherings with her where it’s just mostly her friends and acquaintances.
And of course, I like our romantic times together.
I like that my partner does his wargaming without me, because I think it’s one of the most boring hobbies I’ve ever encountered. I like that I can go out and socialise and go to parties with my friends, without him, because he would find that equally boring and unpleasant. It’s nice to spend time together but 24/7 would drive me crazy.
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