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JLeslie's avatar

Will you share with us what you are experiencing right now regarding Hurricane Irene?

Asked by JLeslie (65931points) August 27th, 2011

Let us know where you are and what time it is.

If you live in a building let us know what floor you are on.

It will help people who are in her path know what to expect. We also want to know our Northeastern jellies are doing ok.

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24 Answers

lillycoyote's avatar

I’m in northern Delaware and there has been some significant, localized damage downstate. I’ve been posting my current circumstances on this thread but to be honest I don’t know what the heck is going on. Irene should have been here, in full force, by now, I think. Nothing would please me more than if she turned out to be not as bad as expected but I am going to check in with my local stations now and will update you. Either she has been merciful or has not yet arrived. Big storm, slow moving. And it will still take some time for people to assess the damages. Sometimes it doesn’t show up with individual property damage. In a state like Delaware damage to the beaches, beach erosion for example, from these storms, can go up into the tens of millions of dollars. Beach erosion damages both the environment and the tourist industry, which damages the economy.

augustlan's avatar

I’m in the eastern pan handle of West Virginia, and all we’ve been having is some rain, heavy at times, and it’s a bit breezier than usual. Nothing major, but we’re not directly in the path, either. Hope all our jellies are doing ok!

Prosb's avatar

5:50 AM Long Island, NY Steady light-medium rain at the moment, with occasional heavier spots earlier. Gusts coming and going, nothing too strong yet.

PhiNotPi's avatar

I’m in SC, and I had overcast skies. That’s it. The clouds must have already dumped all of their rain before they reached this far inland.

ccrow's avatar

Southern Maine here… cloudy, rainy, windy, with more to come. We’re supposed to get the worst of it this afternoon and evening, I think.

Seaofclouds's avatar

I’m in central PA (the eastern side of central) and it’s a little after 9am. Right now we just have some wind blowing. We had a good bit of rain last night and some more wind, but now it seems to be pretty calm. It looks like we still have a bit more rain to come this way. There are a lot of leaves on the ground, but nothing major from what I’ve seen/heard so far.

My brother lives in northern DE and had some flooding due to the heavy winds, but he lives in a flood zone, so it was expected. They said they have about an inch or so of water that got in the house. Hopefully it won’t take them too long to get it dried out and cleaned up.

philosopher's avatar

The house was shaking all night. It was scary. I heard strange noises.
We taped the windows and moved things inside. One neighbor left things in his yard. The lack of common sense outrages me.
I see wirer’s hanging. I have power. We can’t get through to Fios or Con Ed. I am unsure who to call.
They say we are currently in the eye of the storm.
I hope the worst is over.

JLeslie's avatar

@philosopher Do not go outside. If the wires are live and in water, and you step in the wet area, you can be electrocuted.

If you are in the eye the services will not be coming out yet probably, but they will soon, the back side of the storm isn’t as bad. But, things get knocked loose from the front side, and then the back side has winds in the other direction, and sometimes that really knocks around stuff, knocks things loose. It is downgraded to a Tropical Storm now, and traveling over land, so things should get better and better hopefully.

If power is out sometimes the power company purposefully cuts power to avoid massive damage to parts of the grid.

Blackberry's avatar

My lights flickered a few times, and that’s about it lol. The wind and rain wasn’t bad in central Jersey.

philosopher's avatar

We can’t reach Fios. I think the lose wirer’s are theirs. This annoys me. Lose wirer’s should be a priority.

JLeslie's avatar

@philosopher They are. You have to give them a chance, there are loose wires all over the place. The employees are bunkered down also with their families or in another safe place, you have to allow them time to make safe passage to the various areas.

abysmalbeauty's avatar

We are experiencing a lot of wind and are banned from one side of our apartment because the tree across the street is coming down in huge chunks right over my son’s bedroom. My neighbors pool caved in and flooded the other neighbor’s basement. We have no rain and we still have power. I live fairly close to the water about a block but its so far from the main ocean that its not impacting us. Its 12:25pm in Prov RI area.

JLeslie's avatar

@abysmalbeauty That sounds pretty bad. The tree would freak me out a little. Has the eye come through? Once it does the winds should shift the other direction and maybe the threat of the tree falling on your apartment will be much less.

Seaofclouds's avatar

@philosopher I’m guessing by Fios, you mean Verizon. I don’t know if anything has changed, but as of a week ago, there were many people that worked for Verizon on strike, so their customer service and things like that have really taken a hit due to the strike. If their workers are still on strike, that may be some of the reason you are having trouble getting through. I hope you get in touch with someone soon. Have you considered calling the police departments non-emergency line to report the wires since you can’t get through to anyone else?

abysmalbeauty's avatar

As of 2pm we are powerless like most of my friends and family. We were lucky the outages started around 8 am. The wind is still howling and the tree is still swaying. The other tree in the back of the house threw a few limbs our way. My bf is about to leave the house to take his aunt to the airport…........ Somehow i dont believe her flight is not delayed . My neighbors keep coming out with wine glasses and cameras and that is the reason weve seen fatalaties this weekend…not smart

philosopher's avatar

I finally got through to 311 and they connected my husband to Verizon.
I think it is the Fois (Verizon hook up) I remember how it was installed.

philosopher's avatar

My complaint is not being able to reach a human at Verizon.
I understand they have many repairs.
I am hoping that since I reached 311 and they are connecting my husband to Verizon he will reach a human.

Prosb's avatar

@philosopher We were called by Optimum, saying they are doing what they can to keep service up, and if it goes down, that they’ll be able to tell via the disruption of connection to our cable box/modem etc. They said not to call if we lose service, probably since everyone would/will call otherwise.
The funny thing is people will call even with this note they gave by phone.
I didn’t lose service at any point. I hope they get to those downed lines soon.

philosopher's avatar

In March 2010 after a Hail Storm we lost power for a week.
My concern now is the wirer’s because I think they have power.
We have No sidewalk only grass. The wirer’s block the path from my neighbors house to mine.
Anyone making a delivery will have go through the gutter. Tomorrow the mail person will encounter them.

philosopher's avatar

I have some water in my Family Room but we were lucky. In another area here in Staten Island people needed boats to escape flooding.

JLeslie's avatar

I’m surprised Staten Island wasn’t asked to evacuate.

philosopher's avatar

Many areas are up hill. We are.
We are the one part of NYC that I believe has weather more like New Jersey than New York. Most streets and homes had little water. We are thirty minutes or less from Northern NJ. They did not evacuate. The NJ. Shore did. Midland Beach SI and South Beach evacuated.

Brian1946's avatar

Hopefully Irene hasn’t washed away Snooki’s “tan”, because the last thing the east coast needs now is all the pollution that disaster would add to the water.

JLeslie's avatar

@philosopher Oh yes, I forgot you said you are up hill, I should have looked back at the answers. I have only been to Staten Island once, my mom thought it would be nice to take the ferry across, haha, as I think about it is just the sort of thing my mom would do when we were little girls.

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