Social Question

chyna's avatar

For those of you that wear perfume or cologne, do you wear a lot of different scents or stick to just one?

Asked by chyna (51712points) August 28th, 2011

I have worn the same scent for about 8 years now and I just wondered if others stick with the same scent or have a few that they rotate with.

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21 Answers

Judi's avatar

I just started using essential oils and the sent changes with my needs. If it’s a headache, then it’s peppermint. If I’m stressed, it’s lavender ( or if I’m really stressed it’s frankincense or patchouli.) If I am hanging around with my grand kids and they have snotty noses, it’s orange and cinnamon. If my muscles ache it might be eucalyptus or peppermint.

ucme's avatar

I more or less stick with the same one, until I fancy a change. You could say I have common scents! ;¬}

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I usually have just a few, one for warm weather and one for cooler times. My irritation has been my longtime favorite perfume being discontinued some years back and I’ve had a hard time finding a replacement I like as well.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I rotate. I use this honey scented soap and lotion combo sometimes, other times I have a cotton candy spritz that practically smells edible, and everyone compliments me on. Recently I’ve been wearing Paris Amour from Bath & Body Works. I change it up a lot.

zensky's avatar

I have a few. Summer/Winter.

Judi's avatar

hehe, @zensky . Love the new name.

zensky's avatar

Zensky, by Fabergé

chyna's avatar

Zensky, by Faberg’e, spicey yet sassy.

zensky's avatar

Oh stop. Go on. No stop.

Did you notice my perfume question to the right from two years ago?

athenasgriffin's avatar

I wear perfume like I wear makeup. Sometimes I don’t wear any, but when I do, what I wear depends on my mood. Am I feeling soft and feminine today? I’ll wear Flora by Gucci. Spicy? Tommy Girl Jeans. Sprightly? Versace Versense. (Plus, I really like how all the fragrances look on the mirrored surface of the vintage tray I have on my dresser.)

chyna's avatar

@zensky Yes, and I went back and re-read them. Made me sad for the good old Flutherer’s that are missing.

quiddidyquestions's avatar

I have about 7 perfumes. I chose one based on my mood, what I’m wearing, what my intentions for the day or night are, the weather, and where I’m going. I wear perfume almost daily.

stardust's avatar

I also wear different perfumes according to my mood

Lightlyseared's avatar

I’ve found a scent I like and I stick to it.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I have three that I switch around depending on my mood.

Cruiser's avatar

I have my fav every day cologne and break out Musk for those special moments! ;)


I like and wear only one cologne——Antaeus by Chanel. I find many men’s colognes either too “citrusy” or “flowery”, like the colognes a lot of young men and older teenagers wear. I like Antaeus because it has a nice woody, musky scent, with just a hint of citrus and patchouli——a more mature scent so to speak.

zensky's avatar

@chyna I know, eh? I hate reading old q’s and missing the old-timers.

thebluewaffle's avatar

I prefer my own general musk.

picante's avatar

I’m in the “signature scent” camp—I wore Este Lauder’s White Linen for many years, and only in the past few years have I begun to experiement with other fragrances. I’ve tried a few, and I keep coming back to Ralph Lauren’s Romance. I like the lighter scents. I need to check out that Zensky ;-)

martianspringtime's avatar

I tend to wear one, but I’ll occasionally use another based on which I happen to like more that day, or if I’m out, which I actually have.

It’s also more practical to just use one because perfume tends to be expensive and I don’t usually have more than one favourite in my posession at a time.

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