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XOIIO's avatar

Is it possible to have part of my memory wiped?

Asked by XOIIO (18359points) August 28th, 2011

The past couple months or so I was in a relationship, and it turned out crap like I figured it might, but you can go back and read through it yourself.

The problem is that when I remember it, there are parts that were really good, and I feel good remebering them, then I snap back to reality and think “what’s the point”? I’d be better off just knowing that I tried it and it didn’t work than remembering those parts of it, is there any way I can get rid of these memories specifically.

I know its unlikely but it really would be great. I don’t need these memories, they don’t do me any good.

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13 Answers

chyna's avatar

Unfortunately, these events add up to making you the person you will eventually wind up being, so they shouldn’t be erased.

Joker94's avatar

Nope. Nor should it be. Erase your memories, and you’d destroy who you are.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

No dear, there is no way to have your mind erased of these memories. Even if you find a way to distract yourself, as time and new adventures often do, they can come back in the form of a dream which mean nothing, other than the details still exist.

Most of us have been in a relationship where we love someone for who they are, but that doesn’t mean that they are the right partner. There is a distinct difference. You will know when the right person comes along. Some people find in in their teens. It took me until the age of 45 to find it. I’m glad I waited.

wundayatta's avatar

Time heals all wounds, it says. In time, you will only remember the good parts, and the bad parts will have faded. It will be years, most likely, but your memory will essentially be erased. Then you’ll wish you could remember.

lillycoyote's avatar

No. Life is damn hard sometimes and there’s no easy way out, like you’re looking for. Sorry. Wish there was. There is experience and memory and happiness and pain. You can’t arrange to experience only the happiness and not the pain, or to remember only the happiness and not the pain. It doesn’t work that way.

Bellatrix's avatar

No. That wouldn’t be a good thing. We have all been there and I am sorry your first love didn’t work out, but they rarely do. In time, you will be able to look back on this and remember the good things without feeling so, so hurt by the bad things. The highs you have been through are one of the joys of life, sadly the lows are part of the reality of being a human who has loved and lost. Lick your wounds, have some fun and in time, there will be someone else on the horizon that you see and think .. hmmmmmmmmmmmm…. nice!

XOIIO's avatar

Well I think it would be a good thing. I have the info on what goes on, I know that its not really worth it, the rest is just stuff clogging my mind up.

King_Pariah's avatar

Yes, Electro Shock Therapy or Electro Convulsive Therapy. EST and ECT respectively. One will wipe everything up till roughly 4 months ago, the other the last 24 hours. And before anyone say bullshit, I was in two god damn Psych Wards where they did this shit all the time, and I got the one that erased the last 24 hours.

raven860's avatar

@King Pariah

So the max that can be erased is a 4 months period?

King_Pariah's avatar

There may be more. But I think anything over 4 months worth may be noticeably damaging to one’s brain. I don’t really know but that is what we were told by the docs.

Joker94's avatar

It’s not a good thing, man. If not for all the crap memories, we wouldn’t learn important things about ourselves. Tough it out, you’ll be okay.

mattbrowne's avatar

Not yet. But we can expect more progress from neurosciences and the matter of ethical applications has to be addressed.

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