Social Question

Brian1946's avatar

What would you say, or what other reaction would you have, if a guy asked you, "Do these jeans make me look fat?"?

Asked by Brian1946 (32750points) August 29th, 2011

I’m interested in the answers of male and female jellies to this.

Would your reaction be different if the asker wasn’t your SO?

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15 Answers

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I’d tell him the truth. And think nothing of it. Seriously. SO or not SO.

jerv's avatar

“No, the gut hanging over your belt makes you look fat!”

rebbel's avatar

“Is the Pope a Catholic?”

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I’d be politely honest: “Well, they’re not very flattering.” And I would do the same for any man or woman who asked, whether they were my SO or not.

I expect my girlfriends and even my husband to show me the same courtesy. I often take my husband shopping with me and show him what I try on. He’s gotten used to my desire for honesty instead of sweet lies, so he’ll tell me the truth.

I can’t stand women who say “does this make me look fat?” or “does this make my butt look big?” and you know they expect you to say “Of course not, you look great!” Ugh.

Haleth's avatar

It depends on how he actually looks in the jeans. Either:

A) No, your ass makes you look fat. or

B) I can’t tell from all the way over here. Let me take a closer look. * admires view*

Berserker's avatar

Well, tell him whether or not I think he looks fat. I mean, it’s what he’s asking. I’d give him my opinion.
Sorry, no retarded joke from me this time. XD

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I would laugh and call him names.;)

Blackberry's avatar

“No, but I can see your camel toe.”

Just kidding, I would give them constructive criticism. I know how my pants fit, but I ask people sometimes if my outfit is OK.

XOIIO's avatar

“who’s asking?” *wink * and walk away

Pandora's avatar

It would depend usually on the person asking. But I would probably laugh at them first. My husband never asks. When he tries on pants I usually go with him and wait for him to come out of the dressing room. I look at the drape of the pants and see if it is flattering or not. I will usually just tell him, I like this one but not that one. He doesn’t want to know details because he could care less. He just wants the shopping to end. He always gets lots of compliments on his clothing style so I guess its not something that would worry him. He trust I will chose things that make him look good.
I guess if a guy really wanted to know, I would probably just tell him that certain details may make it appear that they are heavier and that they may want to steer away from it. Of course this is after trying to supress laughter. I’ve never had a guy ask me that question. Most guys will just ask, what do you think if they are uncertain. And usually it has more to do with style than size.

wundayatta's avatar

I would be like, ‘Does this dude think I’m gay? Ok. But seriously? Do I look like I give a shit about clothes? Do I look like I’d give any other guy fashion advice? Is this Candid Camera?’

Then I’d make it clear to him that I have no idea what he’s talking about and absolutely no interest in event attempting to answer the question. I’d probably laugh.

ucme's avatar

I’d giggle & point out to him that they were supposed to go above his genital area. I mean come on, that just ain’t working pilgrim.

rebbel's avatar

“Ohhh, are those jeans…., I thought you bought a tent.”

downtide's avatar

Depends on the person; how fat is he and how well do I know him. If it’s someone I know I would say something like, “No, it’s your arse/belly that makes you look fat”.

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