Voting in general elections, If you abstain from voting for either Pres, candidate will all the other choices made elsewhere on the ballot count?
I already know I will absolutely HATE any presidential candidate on the ballot ,and plan on voting for the challengers in the rest of the positions even if they are an unknown, could I just leave the space blank on president or, vote for them both to cancel them out or, write someone in? Our ballots are fill in the oval spot with a #2 pencil next to the candidates name. I don’t want to disqualify the entire ballot if I abstain from the president vote. Anyone ever done this before? Just to be clear I’m neither Republican or Democrat. If a miracle happens and Ron Paul gets the nomination then maybe I will vote, maybe.
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12 Answers
They should, but it depends on the state. Some states have a not voting or none of the above option that you have to take, others just let you skip the candidates if you have no preference.
Think bigger picture when voting. Think platform as in the team that will come with the presidential candidate. You may not be a fan of the figure head but the policies that would best support your views, likes and needs very often are brought to fruition by the President elects teammates. Also look at endorsements by key organizations that share your ideals and take a spoonful of sugar with the medicine and know you won’t be the only one doing your civic duty that way. What ever you do just don’t vote for him because you think he is a nice guy! ;)
I did not cast a vote for president in 08, but I did vote for one senator and my rep, plus local candidates and issues. You can pick and choose all you want.
Yes, your other choices will count. Leaving some races blank does not invalidate the rest of your ballot. I do not recommend voting for both candidates, however, or else your ballot may be challenged and thus not counted unless there is a close race (and possibly discounted even then). As for writing someone in, only do it if there is a place for write-in candidates. Otherwise, your ballot could again be challenged (for “defacement,” which basically means “not playing by the rules even though we refuse to give everyone a none of the above or write-in option”).
Yes. I don’t know of any state where you are required to vote for a president in order for your other selections to count.
I never left any blank before but I think I will this time if I don’t goof up the thing trying to be cute. Obama has been a disappointment and the republican all scare the shit out of me so far, and of course the wild card is they all lie anyway. Starting to become another disillusioned and discouraged and well, dissed in general, American here.
I know one of the presidential candidates is going to win no matter what I do. I just don’t want any hand in it. They are all sneaky bastards in their own right concerning themselves primarily with getting power or keeping it. It sure as hell isn’t about doing the right thing.
@woodcutter you could always vote for one of the third party candidates. At least if you did that, they would know you didn’t forget to fill in the ballot.
I know one year my mom voted for Bozo the Clown when we lived in Illinois. He was the best of the lot according to her.
He would have gotten my vote in 08
So far I don’t think there has been a 3rd party choice. Maybe Bozo will run this time. @WestRiverrat I think he would win or at least be one hell of a spoiler, I would laugh my ass off so hard I would need a sedative just to calm down long enough to catch my breath.
I can see it now, Wolf Blitzer commenting on election night with Bozo in the results sweeping the country. It would be even funnier watching the reaction from elsewhere in the world. Good stuff.
@woodcutter I think my mothers words after voting were, “I had to vote for a clown, but at least I voted for the honest clown.”
I would love Bozo in charge especially if his teeth were pointed. I think he would scare the lifts off of ‘Lil Kim Jung.
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