Social Question

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Whom do you miss?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37748points) August 30th, 2011

People go in and out of our lives for myriad reasons. Some die. Some move. Some fade away.

Some we miss, and some we don’t. Some we’re glad to see leave, and some not.

Whom do you miss?

I miss my friend Maggie whom I met at a conference 3½ years ago. We kept in touch by phone for a long time, and she had some difficulties in her life and sort of faded away. I’d like to talk to her again.

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32 Answers

size7's avatar

my friends :)

zensky's avatar

My grandparents.

Hibernate's avatar

I rarely have this feeling of missing a person. Usually it goes away fast. Can’t say I miss them; and this mainly because I move on really fast.

TexasDude's avatar

God, you had to ask this?

Saw her today. Missed her even while I was with her.

augustlan's avatar

My grandmother. She died many years ago, and I still feel like there was so much I could have learned from her.

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Prosb's avatar

I miss a good friend of mine named Na’Jee. He was quiet around most, and was the only one in school who would sit in the rain with me. He had a great voice, and we talked about anything, from cacti to girls, to being launched into the sun as a preferred way to be cremated.
He moved away, but we met again when he came up for our friend Bridgette’s sixteenth birthday.
As we got to talk again, I found out he ended up an atheist as well! We couldn’t stop laughing about it, attracting all kinds of stares. It made me feel like we maintained a connection somehow.
I haven’t seen him since then, but I sure would like to.

cookieman's avatar

my dad
my grandmother & grandfather
my uncle & aunt
my other uncle

faded away
my (former) best friend
some college friends

I think about these people almost every day. As much as I miss those that died, the ones that “fade away” bother me more as there’s no real reason to not see each other – other than “life” gets in the way, and we’re all busy, etc.. While it’s all true, it’s also bullshit and a convenient excuse.

CaptainHarley's avatar

I’m the oldest member of my extended family, and have been for sometime now. I miss having someone older and more experienced to talk to about things… my father, my grandmother, my grandfather… I would give almost anything to see them again.

I also still miss my best friend from college, Peter Borsay, who was killed while he and I were both in Vietnam. He was a great guy, very bright and creative.

Londongirl's avatar

It sounds crazy, but I’m missing the guy whom I had a month relationship with… I haven’t heard from him but nothing I can do… I still miss him though.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

My mother and father.

filmfann's avatar

My parents.

smilingheart1's avatar

My husband. A newspaper columnist when we were young, coined a phrase we often used through the years and I later put on the stone: love is a lifetime’s talk. We found the running conversation of life and all we shared very bonding. He is the one who gave me the nickname I use here, minus the 1 of course. Folks, treasure your people every day, let nothing get in the way!

marinelife's avatar

I miss my sister who died.

I miss my sisters and brother. We had great laughs together and still do when we get together.

I miss my friends who are all far away.

Bluefreedom's avatar

I miss my father most of all. He lost his life to cancer in 2000. It’s been 11 years now and I still miss him dearly. He was the greatest. I love you, dad.

JLeslie's avatar

I miss my college girlfriends. I am still in touch with them, but I wish I could be with them all the time.

9doomedtodie's avatar

I miss my childhood days.

Judi's avatar

Timely question. My best friend from the time I was 3 up into my early 20’s.
In our 20’s, I was going through a Christian fundamentalist stage and she was discovering who she was. When she told me she was gay, I was more than a little judgmental and we drifted away. I moved to a different state.
The last few years she had been on my mind. I wanted to apologize and ask her forgiveness. I had an overwhelming urge to reach out to her and try to make things right.
I tried googling her but she had a strange spelling of her last name and I could never find her.
A few weeks ago, my sister who still lives in that town sent me her obituary.
I’ve been crying off and on every since. Not only did I loose my first real best friend, I never got a chance to make amends for my stupid judgmental behavior. I’m full of shame and loss all at the same time.

Coloma's avatar

I don’t miss any family or friends that have died or I have let go of.
Including 2 friends this last year. It was time.
I accept the changing nature of all things pretty readily.

I do miss some of my deceased pets though, but, I don’t think about them very often, no point in lamenting the dead.

Jellie's avatar

I echo @JLeslie I really miss my college friends… I had the craziest times with them. Shared some awkward/weird moments :P

Haleth's avatar

I miss my sister. She’s stationed out in the middle of nowhere, on this tiny airforce base, and she only gets a few weeks of leave a year. As kids, we were so different, but we’ve gotten closer and closer as we’ve grown up and it’s amazing how much we have in common now.

JLeslie's avatar

I also miss what I once was. Health issues and other bumps in the road of life leave me not as the person I am in my mind.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

I miss my middle child from whom I remain mostly estranged despite all the efforts I have made to overcome this rift.

athenasgriffin's avatar

I miss my grandfather even though he died almost ten years ago, and I should be long over it by now.

lillycoyote's avatar

Really though, I miss my father most of all, sometimes almost more than I can stand, though those times don’t come as often as they used to as time has passed. We were very close and I adored him. He was one of my most important anchors in life and when he died my boat felt a little adrift, it does still sometimes. He died in 2007 and I miss my mother very much also. She died in 1999. Not only do I miss my parents themselves, I miss having parents now that they’re both gone. And I miss my cats, Bugsy and Casper. They were just the greatest cat ever.

and @athenasgriffin I don’t necessarily think you should be “over it” by now. Some things you never “get over” but you learn to accept them, you get used to them, you heal, you move on and have a good life. But the person is still gone and you still miss them.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@lillycoyote The first one to answer was Wisemama! We missed her!

I miss my Mom.

flutherother's avatar

My grandparents, my mother and my father. Also the sister of a girl I knew at University who I met briefly, just twice and never since.

yankeetooter's avatar

I miss the guy who was really the first guy I really and truly fell for. I haven’t seen him in almost four months now, and we haven’t spoken for something like five months. At least I have some news of him lately that he is doing alright job wise, but other than that, I really don’t know how he is doing, and I really want to see him again. I’m hoping that our paths might cross again some time…

Judi's avatar

Me to @Blondsjon. :-(

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