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Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Where's home?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37808points) August 30th, 2011

I really don’t say this to brag, but I’ve lived in 7 different countries on 4 different continents. I was born and raised the first 20 years of my life in the middle of the US, and my parents still live near there.

But I don’t call that home.

I call Hawaii home. My children live here. I’ve been here a long time now. On top of all that, it feels like home.

For you, where’s home? Is it where you grew up? Is it some place new? Why do you call it home?

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38 Answers

DrBill's avatar

as with everyone, Home is where the heart is.

cookieman's avatar

Boston, MA

Wherever my wife and daughter are.

TexasDude's avatar

Home, let me come home, home is whenever I’m with you.
Home, yes I am home, home is when I’m alone with you.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Looks right. Looks left. Looks behind. Looks up. Looks down. @Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard, are you singing to me?

augustlan's avatar

Like you, it’s not where I grew up, but where I raised my family. A town in Maryland, and I’m no longer there. I miss it terribly.

ucme's avatar

I live a stones throw from where I was born & raised, well okay, maybe it was thrown by Superman, but still, pretty close. So I guess you could say I never really left “home.”

YARNLADY's avatar

In my life, I would have to say “home” is where ever I am living.

CaptainHarley's avatar

“Home” is wherever my beloved Vicky is. I’ve lived on three different continents, and in 12 different states in the USA, the last one being Texas because that’s where Vicky lived when I met her. : )

Cruiser's avatar

Born and raised in Chicago and now live in western Suburbs. I will eternally be a Cubs fan….dammit!

Cruiser's avatar

@CaptainHarley I get that a lot!

Hibernate's avatar

For me home is anywhere where I got friends or family around me and I can act like myself without trying to pose different just for the sake of others.

CaptainHarley's avatar


LOL! I’m sure you do! How’s you dis mawnin? : )

downtide's avatar

Home is the city where I live now, and have lived for just slightly more than half my life. I love this city.

snowberry's avatar

I’ve moved to a new state, but it’s not been very welcoming to us, but Hubby seems to like it fine. However, Hubby has a high profile job, and the gossip is over the top. As a result I am pretty isolated because people tend to look at me as a way to get to him. Although many of the people are nice, the nasty ones have spoiled it for me.

Home for me is in the mountains. I have kids in Denver, CO. Denver or Colorado Springs would be a good second choice.

filmfann's avatar

My Mom’s house in the Oakland Hills was home for a long, long time. After her death, we sold it, and I still dream about it.
My new place in Shingletown feels like home. I am only there one weekend a month, but that place just seems like home.
Concord, where I spend most of my days, has never really felt like more than a campsite.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I grew up near Detroit,but home could be just about anywhere for me.

smilingheart1's avatar

Where my people are but I love Canada.

Cruiser's avatar

@CaptainHarley I am super dandy this morning thanks for asking. How ‘r you doing today?

marinelife's avatar

Home for me is Seattle. It felt like home the moment that I moved there, and even though I have not lived there is almost 8 years, it is still home to me.

Bluefreedom's avatar

Home has been Phoenix and Peoria, Arizona for the last 31 years. I was born and raised in Las Vegas, Nevada so the desert life is all I’ve ever known for most of my life. Sometimes all the heat and no rain is a real drag but things could be worse… living in North Korea for example.

tinyfaery's avatar

Los Angeles

Wherever my stuff is.

Mariah's avatar

Right now, home is my parents’ house. I’ve lived in this house my entire life, minus two months last fall during my short stint in college. My parents will be moving early in 2012, and I’ll be going back to college around then too, so I think I’m going to feel pretty uprooted for a while. But I know that “home” truly is where the people I love are, so in its own way, my parents’ new home and college will both become “home” to me. In time.

erichw1504's avatar

Home will always be Upstate New York, that’s where I spent the first 20 years of my life and most of my family is still there. Currently I reside in NoVA.

snowberry's avatar

@Mariah And don’t forget to consider Fluther as home!

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

Home is where my wife (and pets) usually are located.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

For me, Home is CA where I spent most of my years and home is wherever I happen to live at the moment.

JessicaRTBH's avatar

For me home is Chicgao. I don’t currently live there but go there very often. That city has my heart! :) now I just need to convince my family to join me and I’d have it all

augustlan's avatar

I forgot to mention that even though the city/state I live in now doesn’t feel like home to me, my actual house does. It’s weird, really, because I’ve never felt this way about any other physical building I’ve ever lived in. If I could pick up this house and move it to my old ‘feels like home’ town, it would be perfect!

Neizvestnaya's avatar

@augustlan: I feel that way about our house too, I’d love to be able to take it with me anywhere.

Berserker's avatar

Wherever there’s a pillow and a can of ravioli. Serious. I’ve lived in rooming houses in my early twenties. Anywhere can be home, if that’s all you got.

That said, Winnipeg is my home. The best years of my life were spent there, and that’s where I learned the most stuff. I remember barely nothing about France, moved away too young, and where I’m at now, it’s just a downward spiral with nothing but boring routine to keep me company.
But then, a lot of my time in Winnipeg, I thought it was depressing, until I left. Maybe if I leave here some day, I’ll think the same about this place.
So, a can of beans and a pillow.

AmWiser's avatar

Home will always be close to my parents (well, there’s only mom, now). But as long as she’s living, home will be close to her.

DarlingRhadamanthus's avatar

I will let you know when I find out.

I think it may well be Andromeda.

CaptainHarley's avatar


I’m doing pretty good for an old fart! Cancer and diabetes are still in remission… or whatever… they’re not bothering me. No symptoms! That, in my world, is a good day! : ))

linguaphile's avatar

My Home’s in Alabama
This song says it perfectly, sung by a homeboy in the theater where I used to work. Can’t get better than that!

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