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poisonedantidote's avatar

How to be less aggressive and still keep training?

Asked by poisonedantidote (21685points) August 30th, 2011

As some of you no doubt know, I have been training for quite some time now, but recently noticed my self getting a little more aggressive than usual.

I would like to say that I dont use steroids of any kind, I don’t even use protein shakes or anything like that at all, it is 100% natural, all I do is eat healthy and work out a couple times a day.

I have not actually become aggressive with anyone, but I have cought my self having some what aggressive thoughts. I would like to put a stop to it before it goes any further.

How can I make sure I don’t become hyper aggressive due to my training?

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6 Answers

Judi's avatar

Add in a yoga class or two.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I think you should learn to meditate

Hibernate's avatar

It all comes to how good you are keeping your cool. I’m like those bodyguards from a club that nobody can pass unless they want others to. Bu t I am very calm [maybe a bit aggressive in words when I debate with friends but this is another thing]. Who doesn’t know me just labels me “he’s that big so I best not piss him off”. Sometimes it’s good because people won’t bother me. Anyway as a kid I was very skinny and I learned to keep calm then, but now it’s better this way.

I don’t think it’s that bad if you sometimes get aggressive but remember not to cross the line.

lifeflame's avatar

I think the fact that you are aware of it is a good start.
I’d recommend taking a martial art class. Aikido and Tai chi come to mind as a practices that teach calm and centeredness as well as control in fighting.
Plus, it’s a lot of fun.

I think that you are developing all this raw power and are afraid that you will use it in the wrong way. So… learn to embrace it, and embrace it responsibly.

Marchofthefox's avatar

@lifeflame, I wouldn’t have put it any other way!

ashek1's avatar

Put yourself in shoes of other guy you are talking to and see from his angle why he has that limited knowledge…that way you won’t feel aggressive but will sympathize with him

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