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Dutchess_III's avatar

It is seriously time for bed. What is the hardest thing you have to do?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) August 30th, 2011

Damn it. Click that little grey “X” at the far top right of my fluthe

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21 Answers

Neizvestnaya's avatar

The hardest thing will be to drive home. I’m tired, I have construction traffic, detours and a good chance of accidents to deal with. Argh.

night night

snowberry's avatar

Fall asleep. The problem is my husband rides a bicycle all night in bed. One night he ran a road race, and I think he actually won! Seriously he was going that fast. He’s worn out expensive sheets and driven me to the couch more times than I can count. Then he gives me the guilt trip about not sleeping with him. (Grump, grump, grump) It’s why I’m down here in the living room on Fluther. Yeah, I’m gonna blame him for that too.

jrpowell's avatar

You got Social in Meta. Take the pain away.

lillycoyote's avatar

Actually going to bed. That’s the hardest thing I have to do when it comes to going to bed.

faye's avatar

Actually give in and shut everything of,f including my brain!


The hardest thing I have to do is to “get ready for bed.” That means after a long, tiring day, I still got to do a little exercise (weights), get undressed, take a shower, and brush my teeth. But when I slip under the covers and cuddle up, it’s heaven from there.

AstroChuck's avatar

Admit to my wife that I was wrong about something.

Perhaps I’ll wait until tomorrow for that.

MissAnthrope's avatar

First, getting myself into bed is always a challenge. I love sleeping, but I have always hated going to bed. Unless there’s a cute girl waiting for me, of course..

Part of the problem is that it’s often very difficult for me to turn my brain off and to fall asleep, so I like to stay up way past my bedtime and get overtired so that I can sink into sleep like a normal person.

lillycoyote's avatar

@MissAnthrope Yes, what’s up with that? I love sleeping but hate going to bed. That really doesn’t make much sense, does it, but I’m the same way. I love sleeping and lying around in bed so much you’d think I couldn’t wait to hop in to bed but most of the time it’s like pulling teeth to get myself to do it.

Sunny2's avatar

Deciding to give up being awake. There always seems to be something else I want or need to do.

linguaphile's avatar

Walking away from the HIGH ENERGY of my son’s friends who have filled the living room to full capacity, and going to bed.

KateTheGreat's avatar

Tuning out the dumb clicky noise that my ceiling fan makes.

I am so sensitive to sounds when I am trying to sleep that they can keep me up for hours.

jonsblond's avatar

It’s morning now, but….. the hardest thing I had to do was not wake my daughter up when I was playing tooth fairy.

leyann's avatar

Write three 400-word articles.

Deadline: midnight


Mariah's avatar

I don’t know, I’m having one of those weeks where it seems like everything’s going my way, and everything’s easy.

I guess the hardest thing right now is dealing with the end of summer. Being able to sit outside and enjoy nature, and having my friends around, has made the last few months a lot easier to cope with. I am not looking forward to slugging through November and December. :(

Dutchess_III's avatar

I wonder of we people who hate going to bed but love sleeping are some sort of…personality type. You guys who do that….do you like taking naps during the day? I hate it. Even when I’m tired…I mean, I have to be BONE tired to fall asleep during the day, and that usually happens when I’m sitting on the couch and fall asleep and don’t even realize it!

snowberry's avatar

I also hate getting ready for bed. I really hate going to bed and lying there and waiting to fall asleep. So instead I wait until I’m yawing about every minute or two. Then I quickly get ready for bed, and jump in before I have a chance to think twice. If my husband isn’t running a roadrace with his legs, I generally sleep all night.

Berserker's avatar

Ah man, not a goddamn thing. I love my bed. I love going to bed. I have severe sleeping problems though, as in, I can’t fall asleep. So, the hardest thing is falling asleep…however, that was a long time ago. Now that I’m an alcoholic, I don’t have sleeping problems anymore lol. Although on nights I don’t drink (LAWL like that ever happens) the problems return. Still, nice soft bed, I have no problem going to it.

My major really hard thing to do is waking the fuck up…

size7's avatar

Take my pills. Apparently I won’t wake up until the effects wear off.

lonelydragon's avatar

Getting ready for bed. I can be dead tired, but as soon as I brush my teeth, floss, etc. I just wake right back up again. ‘Tis annoying.

Dutchess_III's avatar

O my. Here we go agai

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